Recent content by BusyMommy

  1. B

    When did you introduce peanut butter to your child?

    She was diagnosed with severe asthma at 11 months, because asthmatic kids often have allergies, I was cautioned to wait until after blood and skin allergy testing for all the major food/environment/pet allergies. After getting "no's" from both, we tried it at 15 months.
  2. B

    Which are you more comfortable with, ATV/dirt bike riding or Horseback riding?

    Which do you consider more dangerous? Do your kids do either?/ Would you let them do either? What age did they start if they did? Have they ever been injured? I'm curious because I started horseback riding as a child, around 8 years old. I've had a few injuries, fractured nose, broken toes...
  3. B

    Is a 2005 Chevy Tahoe, a good SUV?

    My dad has graciously decided to give me his SUV since he's buying a new car. I am obviously not going to turn down a free car. I've done some googling and have read a couple reviews, but was wondering if any of you have one and could tell me anything more about it... I know gas will be...
  4. B

    Do you read celebrity gossip blogs?

    Yes... I like, and My guilty pleasure...
  5. B

    Moms, Have You Started Eating Healthier Now That You Have Kids?

    I am definitely eating better, but I still have moments where I'm bad. I'm eating more organic, insisting on more veggies and fruits, and being more active. I'm trying to live by example and therefore trying to do better. It can be hard though....Mommy likes ice cream and french fries...
  6. B

    Oh cheese and rice, BMW's for teenagers?!?!?!?

    So I stopped by my parent's house to drop off some stuff my niece has left over at my place for weeks now. Upon leaving their neighbor's 16 year old daughter was greeting her friends who were arriving to study (They were screeching loudly about finals). 16 year old girls driving BMW's (2) , a...
  7. B

    Divorced/Single/Separated Parents- How are you handling the holidays?

    Will you be with your child for Christmas/Put your holiday here? Will the other parent see them? Anyone sharing the holiday together? Do you still see the ex inlaws? What's your plan? Think there will be drama? Most of you know I've been single since pregnancy after ending a 7 year...
  8. B

    Do you have to have a special Dvd player to play HD dvds?

    Yes, you need a new player. You need a HD player to play HD DVD's or a Blueray Player to play Blueray DVD's (Also HD, just a better version). I reccomend going Blueray as al lthe major studios have made commiments to this format and will no longer be making HD DVD's.
  9. B

    Do you have to have a special Dvd player to play HD dvds?

    Yes, you need a new player. You need a HD player to play HD DVD's or a Blueray Player to play Blueray DVD's (Also HD, just a better version). I reccomend going Blueray as al lthe major studios have made commiments to this format and will no longer be making HD DVD's.
  10. B

    I'm about to travel alone with my 9 month old son on an international

    I haven't flown yet with my daughter, so I'm guessing here... To change him, If you buy two seats, you can put up the armrests and lay down a blanket and change him there. I'm pretty sure they'll alow an empty bottle You'll have to take him with you to the bathroom. I wouldn't recommend...
  11. B

    Maternity Leave & Holiday?

    I worked for an International corporation in California while pregnant and when I went on leave, I continued to accumulate holidays. I was on leave for 4 months