Recent content by Bridge

  1. B

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
  2. B

    Your baby

    thats a hard one. Maybe Empire2k5, or Chris631
  3. B

    Where do did you get them?

    Alright lets put a end to this.
  4. B

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    wonderul discovery: using plastic bottle "sports caps"* for localized smr *as in the first two here:
  5. B

    What type of Dragon (personality) Are You?

    I am a Moon Dragon. Nocturnal in nature. A long life span. In the war between good and evil, they tend to walk the fine line of neutrality. They have translucent scales and emit a soft white glow. ( I guess that is why I like to do my art projects at night. And I am not a big onefor the...
  6. B

    US embassies attacked

    Well I don't think that Islam gets a fair deal. You get people insulting Islam, when they know it is going to offend Muslims, but by the same token if I said that I didn't believe in the holocaust I could be locked up for 5 years, let's be at least even handed in this
  7. B

    Wild accussation

    Don Roley earns a living by sending fake videos of people falling over to 'You've Been Framed'.
  8. B

    are we all Jedi knights?

    Sweet Jesus, there is a Jedi Church out there? If it wasn't so dorky, they might become the next Scientologists.
  9. B

    Do you think it is possible that God punishes people with Heat Waves?

    If so, what do you think he is punishing us for? I'm getting a little crazy from all this heat! I was not able to buy an air conditioner, as the stores have all run out. I had to settle for buying extra fans.
  10. B

    Does you think the Internets is bad 4 an english language?

    Was this a response to the "I bet this wiman does jujitsu" thread?
  11. B

    Foreskin Restoration

  12. B

    Guy rules

    Everyone said they did 65 but I think it's was nearer 50ish. Great bike, still have a scar due to it
  13. B


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    And then if he does hurt someone you have to live with the fact that you knew it could happen. I say grass him up, if thats how he wants to live then fine I wish him all the best but don't let him ruin someone else's life. Or end it.
  15. B

    Meditational experiences

    Hi yeah. I no expert on it,but I was doing this meditation from ninjutsu. I don't even know what it's called LOL. but I do have the recipe. If you want me too,I will write it down. piece.