Recent content by Brianthebrain

  1. B

    Is it possible to download a movie from youtube? If i want to watch it when not...

    ...connected on internet? I'm traveling and wont have wifi but i want to show someone a youtube video, is there any way to watch it without internt connection?
  2. B

    Whats with this new genre of music called "crunk"? What is it exactly? like rap?

    Whats with this new genre of music called "crunk"? What is it exactly? like rap? I usually listen to alternative rock, so i dont really know about this. I have heard some "crunk" songs (by lil john i think) and i found that it sounded like animals groweling into the microphone Whats up with that?
  3. B

    Why do not all the superwealthy Hollywood Big Shots bail out their State...

    Excellent question! and whyy havb'nt all those celebs who swore they'd move away if bush got re electeted moved already?? like alec baldwn BECAUSE THEYRE ALL TALK and they happen to be greedy too, in my opinion
  4. B

    Do you think Obama is becoming too much or celebrity then more of a president ?

    According to my co-worker he's "hot stuff" she has a life size picture of him hanging in her office, kisses him at night, and hugs him when she's upset I love her dearly, but to answer your question based on her actions, i'm gonna have to agree with ya: He IS more of a celebrity
  5. B

    is the theory of "negative calorie foods" even true? Why dont more people know

    is the theory of "negative calorie foods" even true? Why dont more people know about it?!? I just read a whole article about negative calorie foods and about if you eat these it actually burns calories b/c it takes up more energy to digest than it does to eat them... Is this true...
  6. B

    Israel is willing to kill Americans by ramming a volunteer boat: What are the US...

    "RAMMING"??? the boat did not comply with orders, so they were told to turn back Its not like they sunk the boat, or even shot it! Welcome to the definition of WAR
  7. B

    Do you think my size is ok ?

    your just perfect!
  8. B

    How would I file a complaint to whoever you complain to about the bailout?

    Your representatives office call and leave nasty messages lol or send evil letters
  9. B

    Question about using itunes from an external hardrive... And NOT loading everything

    up on my laptop? Heres my issue: I'm planning on buying a laptop that has a 160 gb hardrive, but i plan on using at least 100 of those gigs on itunes. I realize that that will majorly slow down the computer. Would it be possible to buy a 120 gb EXTERNAL hard drive, and operate ipod/itunes...
  10. B

    I saw an Acer aspire with 2 gb of ram and 160 gb hard drive for $399. is

    that a good deal? Would you recommend acer? is Acer a worthy brand? I dont plan on using this laptob for anything serious, just the basics... internet, light gaming, itunes, netflix etc, Also, i beleive the operating system is intel dual core
  11. B

    Where do you draw the line? When do you pick up your pitch fork and march on...

    Hmmm good question i'm ready to march anyday now
  12. B

    Whats the best laptop brand? and the best store to buy it in?

    I need a laptop really badly, and i know that the stores are having the holiday sales now, so do you have any suggestions as to what laptop i should buy? lots of hard drive is a must b/c i have a big itunes library (i would like to have at least 200 gb) also which stores have the best deals on...