Recent content by Bored1

  1. B

    has any one watched "18 year old virgin"?

    no its not a porno. heres a trailer... anyways... anyone knows what songs played during the movie? is ther a website that shows a playlist? nervermind i got it. i think. if you wnna know tooo... La Chanson - Stepfanie Praytor 67 special -...
  2. B

    T- Mobile Sidekick2008 questions ?

    I got the sk about one week ago and i have a few questions[x First, how do you private your number? Because one of my friends is prank calling me and I want to find out if it was him or not. :P And please don't say *67... :P Secondly, can you three way? Or confrence call? I was looking through...
  3. B

    Should I switch from an iPhone [first generation] to a SideKick3 ?

    The iPhone is so slow, and the battery runs out all the time... And whenever I'm using the internet it takes forever to load the whole page...