Recent content by book_worm22

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    SciFi Channel

    Reruns of michael phelps swimming > that
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    Trip With My Dad...Where To?

    Go to England.
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    Security barrier beatdown for bigmouth!

    I think bigmouth would have had a hard time passing the bouncers was like a barrier!!
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    Dad Killed Baby Over Broken Xbox

    you gonna get banned
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    Any HVAC guys in the house?

    Stick a fork in the socket to see if electricity is there.
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    Kid at my school digs up body to smoke weed the kid on the right (kevin jones) used to go to my school and play football before he got expelled. Ive been to the cemetery they got the body from and its the scariest place ever.
  7. B

    What does your username mean?

    well, here we go. when i played wow, i hit the random button for a name. came up arlionagas. played that char ill 40, then quit and made Arlion. and it has stuck ever since. however, my wow account, is long gone.
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    What does ST do?

    no nips. i checked myself, shortly before puking up breakfast along with the ice cream i ate last night. hmm... all in favor of turning this into a 'post pics of/make fun of pics of fat ladies' thread? i!!!!! :dodgy:
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    Survey,What is your idea of exercise?

    Lifting that last cupcake to my mouth.
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    Is this woman beautiful?

    she looks like a normal girl, she isn't overweight, nice figure and body
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    PoLL!!Will All The Men In This Room Please Tell Me What You Think Women

    Okay, I'm a woman, but I notice girls complain so much about "drama." People who really "hate drama" don't have any of it, that's just my opinion. Real women who can handle themselves do not have drama. I think most men tend to complain about being sick. I mean, they get a little cough and they...
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    Help me vote in the California 2012 primary election

    I have no idea what KE is talking about. It's like he's arguing that 1 + 1 equals 3. Ralph Nader made that documentary about himself, and everybody in the world knows that he is the opposite of a conservative. Sheesh. Whatever. Back to you -- I've voted Libertarian starting in the 1994...
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    Should I be scared?

    gently rest your nuts on her forhead.
  14. B

    Was he interested? I'm 18 he's 22.?

    He's definitely interested. You can wait if you'd like, but guys like it when a girl can take initiative, too. Send him a light, flirty text message saying something like, "If you're free on Saturday, I'd like to challenge you to a round of laser tag. 10 bucks says I'll beat you!" Or something...