Recent content by boltebabe33

  1. B

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I didn't celebrate Christmas as such. Being atheists, and massive weirdos, me and my family celebrate the midwinter point instead (21st). Had a good day though. Did some weighted pullups, ate a lot of chocolate, then spent the evening lying around watching the X files.
  2. B

    A statement on Foreign policy

    Not really, it came up in the world war 3 thread. I agree with this statement, but someone said it was 'stupid', so I wanted to see what other people thought
  3. B

    Shaving your pubes. Acceptable?

    im trying. you can make some if you want.
  4. B

    6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

    You need to add on, Mushroom... I've tossed out Steve Sandvoss. Probably difficult,
  5. B

    Charity Run (

    All yesterday I have been in agony as I decided to test myself on Tuesday out of the blue and jog home from my inlaw's house all the way home. Turned out to be 12km. Never done anything like that before. Late last night I saw on Facebook one of my friends had signed up to do a 10km run in...
  6. B

    If you Google for "backpacks" and "pressure cookers"...

    If you Google for "backpacks" and "pressure cookers"... Because they spent all the money on Trident?
  7. B

    Hi Guys! (And gals)

    I HATED that thing. Breathing through that thing was like breathing through a wet towel. And then they say "Run! Run you foolish little monkeys, you!" Might as well try dancing a jig and holding your breath!
  8. B

    Happy Christmas from the MOD Team

    Happy Holidays from the East Coast of the States! We'll see you in the New Year. Right, back to frantically wrapping kids' presents.
  9. B

    Back to the gold standard

    Dude, you'll be able to make a stronger case if you learn to - I dunno - read your own bloody sources. Way to shoot yourself in the foot.
  10. B

    Twit jailed for tweet
  11. B

    are macdojos really that frequent in america?

    I just googled it too! Thank goodness theres none in Scotland
  12. B

    Human swine Influenza

    That death is not wholly attributed to swine flu it was just the final nail, literally.
  13. B

    Favorite wonder of the Ancient World

    This Flag is part of my heritage Since it has been around for a long time it should be a wonder of the world Dragons and all that good stuff. Gary
  14. B

    Toughest people on earth?

    And don't forget Luke and Anakin and Han (although he is originally from coruscant)! They also have some of the best dancers. (see episode 6) Really I don't think living in an area will make you tough. It depends on the individual person. But if any county had the best fighters it would be...