Recent content by bobm

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    The Picture Game. V2

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    Cars and trucks - can they co-exist?

    An accident on the Hume Highway south of Sydney raises my question of whether large trucks and family sized cars can (and should) co-exist on major roads. Three people, all from the same family were killed when their car was crushed by a prime mover that crossed to the wrong side of the highway...
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    what causes the most deaths,smoking or alcohol?

    i am a smoker,i know it is a discusting addiction that will eventually cause me health problems,i only smoke normal cigarettes and only in the garden on my own,no passive smoking involved.i do not drink alcohol at any time,nor will i ever,thats an individuals thing.where as people who drink...
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    Is there any way replacing a brake light or anything could affect fuel pump?

    Fuel pump approx £10 2nd hand? What did you do to fix the brake light? Just fit a new bulb, or did you have to do any re-wiring? If just a bulb I cannot see that the two things have ANYTHING to do with each other. If there was any re-wiring, double check what you've done. Take each plug lead off...
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    Where can I get a replacement protective head guard for my Pedi Paws nail trimmer?

    I searched online, but could only find the replacement emery drums and some other stuff I don't need.
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    Where could I find one of those cross word puzzle calculator type gizmos?

    Look up "Cross Word Puzzle Calculator Type Gizmos" on eBay. If you get a computer generated reply saying: "WTF?" - try another search. After thought -------- if you actually had a Cross Word Puzzle Type Gismo to help you complete the crossword thingy - wouldn't that be classified as cheating?
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    Music Box Hollywood-dress code?

    Hi, I'm going to see Afrojack at the Music Box in Hollywood...does anybody know what the dress code is like?
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    ST how do u

    You never happened.
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    Area 51 speech introduction?

    What do you think would be a good introduction to my speech on Area 51? Also why is it called Area 51? Thanks
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    how many churces are being built every week?

    by the year 4,000 will religion have died out completely.
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    Should I be scared?

    Keep your visa in your pocket.
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    so, what kinda beer you likey?

    for the cash i think yeungling is my fav newcastle is dam tasty any black n tan not the biggest fan of black n blue i drink budweiser and natty ice when im broke. but not bud light. i hate all and any light beers. its like a diet beer. most sam adams are great not a fan of mexican beers like...
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    GAY perks in mw2!!!!!!!!!?

    ok, yes i agree with all of you, noob tubers and painkiller tick me off the most. i also hate how ppl get on my case about "hardscoping" and using steady aim. BUT, i just recently learned that there will be NO deathstreaks on black ops. lets hope treyarch learned fro minfinity wards mistakes and...
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    has anyone ever been killed or injured by blue ice?

    i know jet liners are supposed to jetison their waste over the sea but some dont fly over the sea.
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    similarities and differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam?

    Similarities: All trace their beliefs back to Abraham. All monotheistic (There is one God). All examples of ethical monotheism (There is one God, and God knows what is good and what is evil). Differences: Christianity believes Jesus was the Son of God, and the Messiah. Islam believes that Jesus...