Recent content by bobhired

  1. B

    Type your name with your nose

    Nose: sever Elbow: sev er Big toe:sevewr Tongue: beeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr
  2. B

    World War 2 - the "Forgotten" Army

    World War 2 - the "Forgotten" Army And you have to look at the mentality of the japanese at the time. Surrendering was considered a very low, very weak thing to do. Anyone who did that would have been considered almost worthless. That is why the japanese treated so many of the pow's so...
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    Green Porno

    yeah snails was pretty hot :dodgyrun:
  4. B

    Oz in jan!

    LOL! Did you seriously do that Bob?
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    MAP Apology thread

    Go for it.
  6. B

    Rechargable battery "memory"

    Rechargable battery "memory" Why not just replace it , it's not that expensive , is it ? (and rejuvenation of batteries isn't all it's cracked up to be)
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    Who wants to be a pirate?

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    ups now does funeral services.

    Lies. Doug heffernen is the happiest UPS driver alive.
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    Something Weird

    Saw this 'thing' the other day. It looked like a gritting truck, except it was not spraying salt around. It had a 'thing' on the back, which was around 2.5 meters wide and 1.5 long, it was traveling at normal speed and the 'thing' was kept just over the road surface, it was flashing like a...
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    Although I mean primarily for those troublemakers caught red-handed (for lack of a better term), I include adults in that as well. Most career criminals are not concerned at all about going to jail - it's the cost of doing business. In fact in some cases it's a status symbol of sorts...
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    Who is more violent? British or American

    Are they comparing number of offences in total or number of offences per 100,000 of population? I'm just reading "The Better Angels of our nature" by Stephen Pinker and it has lots to say in this sort of stuff. Well worth a read.
  12. B

    The ultimate medicine

    I don't care about anyone else...I'm loving this. You can get diluted Hadrian's wall, Berlin wall AND Great wall of China. Probably bottled out of getting some wailing wall to dilute.
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    TSR relationship

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    Zombie Attack.

    i pity the first thing to ever have a all on war vs the human race. war is what we do.
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    Parents fury at drink drive footballer

    Do you perchance work in the fair city of Leodis, Mr Smith?