Recent content by bluefacedelf

  1. B

    dvd region error can you fix it?

    Load it onto your computer using DVD Fab or DVD Decrypter and have it remove the region code, then burn it to a blank DVD using DVD Shrink.
  2. B

    What are those little translucent things in the Coke bottle caps?

    They are there to keep the cap sealed tightly, so the fizz stays in.
  3. B

    Am I the only person who thinks modern mainstream rap sucks?

    I think all rap sucks, so that would include modern mainstream.
  4. B

    When did you meet your lifetime partner?

    5 years from now.
  5. B

    When some one of another religion comes to your door, what do you do?

    I tell them I'm waxing my Grandma's bum hole and ask if they'd like to assist me.
  6. B

    how to scare brothers?

    Give them a really good look at your face without makeup.
  7. B

    is it hard to hook up a webcam to your computer?

    No, usually you just hook it up to a USB port. You might need to go through the installing new hardware process depending on the cam or computer, but that is simple.
  8. B

    My friend is a chronic liar what should i do?

    Tell her you wish she was Pinocchio because you could use a few cords of wood her nose would provide.