Recent content by blinkeye

  1. B

    gay or not

    boys just wanna have fun
  2. B

    How far do you take your hobbies?

    I have been known to go a little overboard with my hobbies. I'm into art, and oils and canvas can get costly, and yes, I'm to lazy to strech my own canvas. And being into art, I'm also into tattooes, and those can cost quite a bit. (Which by the way, I need to go and get my right arm finished...
  3. B

    Grades Time

    World History honors eng.-A English II honrors eng.-A Engineering II-A Geometry honors eng.-C (Geometry is lame.) Chemistry honors eng.-B Personal Fitness-A eng.= engineering. Im apart of a engineering acedamy so they stick us all together with special teachers. GPA-3.5. I could be better but...
  4. B

    Have you ever done this? *game*

    Only once. Have you ever lost your little brother?
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    anyone have....

    That picture of some dude that looks like bevis from bevis and butthead?
  6. B

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    OOOH! I found one Frodo. It's in the WWF!
  7. B

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Zimmerman had months of offtopic training. He wasn't unfamiliar with ground grappling.
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    Nixon Watches

  9. B

    The American Infallibility Complex

    From what I'm hearing it's largely to do with the Conservative traditional voter base now viewing them as weak and without principles. I'm actually worried about UKIP, because the Lib Dems aren't going to get anywhere now that they have back-stabbed the entire moderate left and I have doubts...
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    Interestings things about your parents

    Something interesting about my parents. Well my dad crossed the border when he was young and now he owns his own company, and my mom is a supervisor for dryers ice cream. I think the most interesting my dad has done though i got jumped a couple years ago by some gang bangers and my dad beat...
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    Change the song name

    Kill me - Golden Earring
  12. B

    British English

    I could be wrong, but I think it's 'urbs'. I always figured it was slang for city dwellers until I figured out it was for cooking!
  13. B


    mMmMmm,Smart ass :P Perhaps the 99 cent candy bar I bought was includded.
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    Lol....I'll just complain more! I'm boored. Someone do something entertaining! :woo: