Recent content by Blavent

  1. B

    What would you do if...

    Happened to me at like 3 in the morning, I was getting some water.. I just face palmed, and turned around.
  2. B

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    New toys
  3. B

    soo i got to get the milk

    you spelled breast wrong
  4. B

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Israel is not alone in the way it chooses to grant or deny citizenship. Even liberal Europe has what many Americans would call 'racist' ideas about how citizenship should be dealt with:
  5. B

    What toppings do you like to put on your ice cream?

    well your name is NightElf and you do post a lot of stupid shit that is usually irrelevant to the topic of the thread and is more so directed at WoW, thats why i assumed you played it.
  6. B

    3 major religion roots?

    Funny, ignorance is like an STD as well, though I don't see you doing too much to stop spreading it, tekken.
  7. B

    Red Or Brown???????

    Anyone tried putting HP sauce in their gravy?
  8. B

    what would you do if myspace charged

    Break the law
  9. B

    Trees are cool, man.

    nicely done, where yeah headed ?
  10. B

    Band Trip 80+ kids and instruments on 1 schoolbus *PIC*

    You should put one on.
  11. B

    What the hell is with these tourists?

    fuck, my sister has ocd, i gots to go get hers a wheelz chair.
  12. B

    Do you have a crush on anyone here on TSR...

    whw wants my ass
  13. B

    Being secretive is a good thing

    Oh I assumed you were talking about people talking to you about serious things in their life not just general gossiping. It's what people do whether its in public or private and it seems people in groups tend to forget they are in public. Learn to roll with it, its not going to change soon and...
  14. B

    Another example of tolerance

    The moderate muslim community leaders are too busy getting drunk, stuffing their fat selves with cheap take-aways, frequenting lap dancing clubs and indulging in their drug dealing teenage sons latest influx!