Recent content by billybob

  1. B

    Will a torrent file continue to download if i set my PC on hibernate?

    Hibernate will stop the download. Depending on your settings so will sleep. Just turn off the monitor and let it be while the file is downloading they is network activity and disk activity so that a killer for sleep modes
  2. B

    '02 Dodge Neon won't start?

    Crankshaft position sensor is most likely what he did. There are several o2 sensors and neons usually have bad throttle position sensors too
  3. B

    Rough idle on a 2002 Mazda Protege?

    Hmm I might try a throttle position sensor.
  4. B

    Any good photo apps for ipad?

    Im looking for one with a copy tool which means you can take a portion of the image, copy it, and place it on a different image. Thanks!
  5. B

    what ia a good cheap hand held GPS for hiking?

    I just walk in the woods. I have never seen one used. so far i've always used a compass.I would like to be able to have several way points i mean enter points before i trek,map out a route. I don' think it would need to be too elaborate. Any info would be helpful...THANKS
  6. B

    How Do I get my dog to stop whining/Crying?

    I have a papillon about 3 yrs old , she whines and cries CONSTANTLY , she's not hungry, And when I pet her it doesnt change , She doesnt seem injured in anyway but WILL NOT STOP, She doesnt even sleep in a cage
  7. B

    This really made me laugh check it out!? share it with your friends! pass it on!
  8. B

    bells palsy question.?

    is it safe to exercise if you have bells palsy. i figure it wouldnt matter. what do you think?
  9. B

    Cell phone contract expiring, should i get HTC Evo 4G or HTC Incredible?

    i know each has it's pros and cons, but i cant decide. I do live in a 4g capable city, so was leaning towards the Evo, but worried about its size and weight. Any suggestions?
  10. B

    Should I fight a ticket?

    This is what happened... I was riding home from school with a friend when a motorcycle cop passed me thinking nothing of it I kept going with cars still behind me as the cars took a left turn I entered a 45 mph zone I was going 53 max but the cop apparently was driven off the road and pulled...
  11. B

    What is the key signature for the major scales on bells?

    i used to play percussion too. i havent looked at music in like 2 years though. i think its a swirly thingy
  12. B

    40 Gb Download Limit...Internet?

    well 40 gbs is pretty huge, like 1/8 of most hard drives. Unless you are downloading the worlds biggest phone book, you'll be fine. Playing games doesn't download anything, by the way
  13. B

    40 Gb Download Limit...Internet?

    well 40 gbs is pretty huge, like 1/8 of most hard drives. Unless you are downloading the worlds biggest phone book, you'll be fine. Playing games doesn't download anything, by the way
  14. B

    40 Gb Download Limit...Internet?

    well 40 gbs is pretty huge, like 1/8 of most hard drives. Unless you are downloading the worlds biggest phone book, you'll be fine. Playing games doesn't download anything, by the way