Recent content by BIGlG

  1. B

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    what's metal weather?
  2. B

    Shootings in Virginia What a nut job.
  3. B

    Best Arizona Flavor?

    I perfer the green tea arnold palmer. but im drinking the normal one as i type.
  4. B

    Best Flavor Oatmeal?

    Way to be original, asshole.
  5. B

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    Arab countries were supplied weapons by France, Russia/SovietUnion, Germany and the United States depending on political convienance of each of these countries. Don't give me that just Israel was supplied with weapons because its b.s.
  6. B

    Who wants to be a pirate?

    Arrgghh!! Ye be a a good pirate Gaskell good lookin out mate. Prepare to board ye sea dawgs and we be taking prisoners!! Arghh we need entertainment between plundering and taking our treasure to our islands for safe keepin. Arrgghh we can make them walk the plank for a laugh arghhh me hearties...
  7. B

    Jokevey: Do you like this little joke?

    When Americans woke up last month, they suddenly realized: 15 years ago they had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope ... Today they have no Jobs, no Cash and no Hope.... thx
  8. B

    Yes, its a caption thread. caption one of these pics. it fails, i know.

    This explains it all :crash: :crash: :crash: :crash: :crash:
  9. B

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    I don't really understand the question. Institutional racism is a different beast than "I hate those damn Snoodgrassians!" I don't think it's necessarily as simple as 'all white police force, therefore racist.' I also don't think it's just a matter of black expectations. Social...
  10. B

    hey guys im back

    You saw a fight? ??? Edit: Actually don't worry about it. Even though you aren't there anymore I'd rather you keep what went on off public boards. Confidentially is of utmost importance.
  11. B

    Best super power?

    I always thought Gambit was pretty cool so I'd go with charging objects with energy. Flying would also be nice
  12. B

    you can only buy one thing.

    wow fail Read the thread title you fucking cunt. And learn how to spell cigarettes gtfo. I would buy Watermelon sour patch...
  13. B

    Poll: Car, Suv, truck, Which do you drive?

    i'm a car driver. you? thx
  14. B

    Poll: Car, Suv, truck, Which do you drive?

    i'm a car driver. you? thx