Recent content by BI

  1. B

    Any family guy fans here?

    wait...since when did wales get family guy? j/k family is freakin sweet incisor-I'm free! free at last! I claim this mouth in the name of incisor bicuspid- I think not incisor- *gasp* bicuspid! we meet again bicuspid- have at you! incisor-en garde!
  2. B

    memorial day

    played call of duty, smoked bowls, walked to a lake
  3. B

    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    This is THE fundamental fault with the system - there is no comeback against the complainant if they make a groundless claim or accusation.
  4. B

    Dell Taco vs Taco Bell

    taco bell
  5. B

    Shooting in Texas

    I don't understand this strange moral comparison between Iraqi insurgents and US soldiers being made here. They are absolutely not equivalent. We're not an invading force in Iraq and they aren't merely protecting the sovereignty of their country. Iraqi civilians want US soldiers there...
  6. B

    What are you afraid of?

    Failure is one I forgot, I seem to have a skill of enjoying things I suck at and hating things I'm good at. But particularly now that I'm in my last year at college and close to my army application I do have a massive fear of not succeeding with what I want to achieve in life. Oh and...
  7. B

    If a woman wanted to be a man,

    you have lost me reems. :yy:
  8. B

    Is Global Warming a myth?

    Of course it isn't a myth. And it is manmade. People who claim it's real but not manmade are climbing down to what they perceive as a more defensible position, rather than changing their opinions. It's not a new argument, it's a new line of attack. There isn't really any 'debate' on the subject-...
  9. B

    computer help

    The simple fact of the matter is that the music industry failed to get it's act together and as such is paying the price. The large record companies brought this on themselves, they thought the gravy train would last forever and didn't plan for the new reality. A good artist always will make a...
  10. B

    England is Vanishing

    The British Isles have nearly always been an immigrant isle. Our families past were the immigrants at one point; none of us originate from here. I agree that to be English is changing though, in some areas of Yorkshire the landscape is not what you would call traditional English, whatever that...
  11. B

    Lul inside i swear

  12. B

    Condoms Spread Aids!

    It really isn't as black and white as that. What always gets lost when these things are reported, is the whole story. Yes he does'nt want people to use Condoms, and there is somewhat of a truism in what is said about the spread of AIDS being helped by the non use of condoms. It is however the...
  13. B

    Smithy and the England team

    Comic relief clasic! Anyone catch it? YouTube - James Corden "Smithy" - England Football Team (FULL Sketch) - Comic Relief
  14. B


    Biker mice from mars you mean?
  15. B

    What bike should I get?

    I was wondering what type of bike I should get (any links useful) I'm a 16year old male and live in the UK. The bike must look good, be able to cart me around town and also I am considering taking part in some sponosred long distance cuycling e.g. 100 miles. BUT don't want to spend more than £150