Recent content by Ben11Fan

  1. B

    Why do they say the fastest sport-bikes are dangerous for inexperienced riders?

    Is this a serious question or are you just trolling have you even read your own question ? Go ahead and get the bike Where are you going to get insured I suppose your one of those Why do I need insurance - Im not going to crash - Im not an idiot Type of person. How do expect to handle a a...
  2. B

    600cc super sports - newbie to sports bike but not biking in general?

    You shouldn't have any problems with the 600. just a case of adjusting to the power levels. unless all those other bikes were off road bikes. in which case I would suggest a quick trainer course. some things are just a bit different. You should try both the bikes out before buying. they may look...
  3. B

    MotoGP championship predictions?

    Top 5 are the usual Rossi Lorenzo Stoner Pedrosa And now Ben Spies Not necessarily in that order. Im going for Ben to win it against the odds, my theory being that Lorenzo will take enough points out of Rossi and Vice versa. Pedrosa could be the dark horse. But Stoner should be the...