Recent content by BellaSwan

  1. B

    Parakeet conversation? (10 points to best answer)?

    Ok, so I got a parakeet yestersay and I did nothing but read about them and wistle with him and he was hurt at the store we got him at, a swing got shoved threw his beak and throat, he survived (its been 2 months) he let's me pet him as long as he is steady on his water bowl and he dances tot...
  2. B

    How do you take a screenshot of DVD Player so you don't get the checkered print?

    All of the other blogs about it say to copy and paste screencapture -i ~/Desktop/DVDGrab.png into Terminal, which doesn't work with the new software apparently. Instead, when you look at the picture there is a checkered print where the picture should be... I want to know how to make it so that...
  3. B

    Why doesn't my guy like showing PDA?

    He's probably shy. And maybe isn't comfortable in your relationship yet. Like you said, you've only been dating for 3 weeks, give it some time :)
  4. B

    How to remove a dvd lock?

    try a magnet if that don,t work just take the bus
  5. B

    Cheapest way to travel?

    Save lots of money and get it changed into euro's before you leave the states. Besides Switzerland no one excepts the dollar, euro's only. Stay in hostels some are better than others so do your homework . Eat in the restaurants on the outskirts of the towns you visit or you will end up paying...
  6. B

    Surprise vacation, what to bring?

    Hot chocolate/marshmellos Wine grapes, cheese, crackers candles A deck of cards for (strip poker) fake bear skin rug (for the fire) Take some books, magazines and cuddly pajamas and fuzzy socks.
  7. B

    How do i get wallpaers for my htc touch?

    i need walpapers for my phone does anyone have any good websites for my htc touch : )
  8. B

    is robert pattinson unhappy in hollywood?

    Possibly sometimes it looks like Kristen Stewart is unhappy she never smiles on the red carpet. I'd do anything to play Bella. Sometimes I compare myself to Bella because I am clumsy and kind of an outsider even though people like me. I find it hard in conversations and I love Edward haha.
  9. B

    Do you think there is hidden celebrities in Yahoo?

    Na don't think so they're too busy.
  10. B

    Holiday for 17 and 18 year olds?

    Does anyone know a travel company that allows 17 year olds and 18 year olds to fly and stay in their hotels? on their own, not with parents and we have to money to pay for the holiday quite easily actually.
  11. B

    What celeb does she look like? SOOO FAMILIAR!?

    Looks a bit like Brittany Spears. She has the same sort of eyes and cheeks.
  12. B

    I Hate Rumors!!! Help ?!?!?

    TELL EVERYONE!!! or at least threaten to. and if she was really a good friend she wouldnt do tht so u dnt have to wrry bout hurrting her
  13. B

    Which religion does not allow people to believe in witchcraft?

    I'm writing a book at the moment and was wondering if there is a religion which would not allow people to believe in witches...or socialize with them. Thank you, Bella Swan!!!!
  14. B

    What is your prediction for christmas day. Will it be all you hope for.?

    Well I think Christmas isn't all about presents it's about celebrating Jesus. Alot of kids these days just celebrate for presents which is just plain selfish. Anyways have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!