Recent content by Bellaeee

  1. B

    How much does join date matter to you?

    as will 2k7'ers be as long as PBN sticks around
  2. B

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Yep, my friend came to visit me and I took him to the chicken ranch in Pahrump. It was a fantastic adventure, even though I didn't purchase any services....that day.
  3. B


    Best buddies? 5 Loyal? 2 tops. Before Halloween I would have said all of them are loyal but an incident that night showed me who would really be there for eachother if we needed it.
  4. B

    Am i doomed to be screwed over by women?

    Your advice is much more mature than you posted age. That's not a bad thing, it's good to see.
  5. B

    Immigration bill to pass

    Democrats have made a pretty strong move here. If, by some miracle, this gets to a vote in the House and passes, they get to take credit for immigration reform. If, as seems far more likely, it never gets to a vote, the Democrats get to blame House Republicans for a lack of progress on...
  6. B

    The blatant lies thread

    Grrr!! Lilo simply isn't one of the finest looking women on this planet...
  7. B

    Help:Egg Nog!

    Ooh no worries there Pac! You want some?
  8. B

    so uh, yeah soap.

    yeah but once you rinse it off, it gets clean again crazy shit. it was just our conversation at dinner...yeah family talks ftw. we never could figure it out, so i brought it to ST. anyway, FLAME ON!
  9. B

    what grade are you going into?

    If you're going to spam, at least be funny.
  10. B

    Change the song name

    Ring Out Solstice Bells - Jethro Tull
  11. B

    Stop the Press. Thatcher is doing fine.

    Hilarious, you could not make this script up
  12. B

    Do you like big noses?

    big nose girls can't deepthroat yo wang fo sho.
  13. B

    The bomb (Split from "Fighting Ethically")

    The bomb (Split from "Fighting Ethically") I don't think that at all. You said it yourself, war sucks. It was a bad situation in the Pacific, no doubt, and bad things were done by everyone involved. We are just saying that the American military of the time could have made better decisions than...
  14. B

    What are Taxes For ?

    [No message]
  15. B

    U.S. annexes Canada!!!!

    I'm not surprised I'm at polar opposites from Bush. I keep hoping Canada will annex us (at least in New England...)