Recent content by BeckyG

  1. B

    Who would you dine with?

    Watching them eat
  2. B

    Iran calls for Israel to be wiped off the map.

    Good one majestic. Heck I dont' even know a guy with a beard. Oh well. America will never successfully force its brand of "democracy" on the middle east. Long after we're gone, if we haven't blown the world up. The tribes in the middle east will still be shooting each other over goats and...
  3. B

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    A story. :)
  4. B

    Worst State in the Union

    we still have Long Beach... :D so that makes this state OK.
  5. B

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    So you agree, it is time for all the Israel bashers to grow up and realize that they have a right to exist?
  6. B

    How will a US attack on Iran affect the rest of us?

    Canadians are a classy lot, at least those I've met. Although I've got to say Toronto in February is colder than a.........well I won't go into that. But it was the coldest place I've ever been...... Legless, you seem to want something people aren't giving you. Maybe give a little more...
  7. B

    First day of school! What are you wearing?

    shut the fuck up and get off! oh ya, thats what she said to you.
  8. B

    just got back from ozzfest...

    thats it?
  9. B

    Mom charged in fatal dog mauling

    Have a look at the previous thread it includes the mothers responce and see if you still feel the same.
  10. B


    Here's a thought...given our technological level why don't they update high jump and pole vault to record the highest jump of the day rather than having to jump over a bar? I mean...long jump, triple, javelin, discus etc all just jump or throw as big as they can and the longest wins. But the...
  11. B

    The US Constitution

    According to the War Powers Act of 1973, yes, it is. This of course is currently not in effect because Congress has given the equivalency of a declaration of war (Congressional approval) to the President, allowing him to use troops as needed. Once that "war" is determined to be over, it will...
  12. B

    How can I work on my ego?

    That's far too complex for beginners. Meditation in general is far too complex for beginners :P Anyhow, if you can do what he said on the video that's alright, otherwise try this: Set 5 mins on a clock, lay down on your back over the floor(or a mat, not on a bed), spread your legs and arms so...
  13. B

    Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

    ...less drastically, yes...
  14. B

    Gymnastics Poll

    I Thought the problem was not with the deductions but rather that the Korean had been given to low a start value for his performance so that when the deductions where given they took the score lower than it should have been as the start value was to low. Likewise on the parrallel bars and high...
  15. B

    DIY for complete and utter n00bs

    I came across a woody patch at the bottom where no amount of hack with spade/shears did anything other than upset the plant. I think we are going to hack away, turn the area into a post-apocalyptic wasteland and put down a plastic sheet and gravel or pebbles or something... The fence needs...