Recent content by bayouchipette

  1. B

    Obtained More Stuff

    Push them down your pee hole.
  2. B

    Did anyone remember?

    we held a two minutes silence at work, didn't stop people ringing in though! is that what was said on tv? i thought harry patch was the last suriving british tommy?
  3. B


    Sorry but you are the dad you buy the presents you don't get them, regards koyo I want a music video of mrs koyo singing I looooove yoooooo!!
  4. B


    The "What are your unanswered questions" thread. Yet does... Speed is relative to where you are. right now you are moving thousands of miles and hour since the earth is spinning and orbiting the sun. So yes in relation to the plane/car you are only moving a few miles an hour... In relation...
  5. B

    They are here....

  6. B

    My Wrestling Coach

    He is in the mysterious beyond. He is seriously dead.
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    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    The same that I thought before I read the article. Israel is a fascist state, and the only solution is a new state that recognises the rights of everyone who lives in the area. If in 1947 a couple of million arabs had arrived in Wales and claimed it as their own, on the basis of some...
  8. B

    How many girls have you hooked up with?

    pretty simple question m8s whose a ladies man? im at 4
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    Ignore List

    Unless you're David Icke, in which case the government black ops are orchestrated by the little grey aliens. And ninjas.
  10. B

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    You're a grappler now mate, hello six pack abs
  11. B

    ideal street racing car

    yes, turbo upgrades for a car are quite legal.
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    Warriors of the Clouds

    You're working from the assumption that it did happen. From that, you're finding the first way that seems possible, no matter how outlandish, and actually asserting that that's how it happened. Obviously it doesn't take long for that to become untenable and you move on to the next possibility...
  13. B

    New York Jedi

    at my HEMA class, we had a joke that the teacher could make a lot of money by painting the swords luminous and offering jedi training. This however,,,,, beyond a joke. I would howvere like to see a match between one of these guys and a decent practitioner of any weapons style.