Recent content by bake

  1. B

    Why does this MMA gym has this unwritten rule about everyone being shirtless...

    Maybe when they first opened the gym someone never wore their shirt. And it just kept going and became an unwritten rule. Maybe it actually does help you with your range.
  2. B

    help with graduation speech

    IGOTSONE!!!!!1 FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!! I will never see you again so go lick ass
  3. B

    What's the best form of Martial Arts for me?

    I'm doing Wing Chun atm and I love it. It is all done on your feet with few kicks but many many hand techniques. Try it out :)
  4. B

    Any one have expiience with LASIK?

    My dad had it done with great results, but my mom as had it redone about 4 times and still has bad vision. She also gets infections almost routinely and has to get the infections drained. We went to the best place possible.
  5. B

    Prom is coming up!

    I asked a girl yesterday. I'm making her pay for half :tup:
  6. B

    Dead hawk with leg sticking out its chest ****BIRD GORE!!!****

    robert paulsen, i totally dgaf who he was...
  7. B

    what was the funniest momment in your life??

    I was at my friend's house a long time ago and we were monkeying around in his treefort, which extends over his neighbors yard. Well at the time his neighbor(Jarrett)'s dog, Jack, had an insatiable appetite for humping humans, especially small boys. So Jarrett is trying to run away from Jack...
  8. B

    Who would win?

    it just doesnt make any sense!
  9. B

    at what age was the first time you realized you were a homo?

    your a bad, bad boy. the gay and lesbian people not gonna like u
  10. B

    What do the people of Mich. Upper Peninsula call people from the lower

    Peninsula, and why? 10 points for first correct answer They use a certain term for people who come from Michigans lower Peninsula. What is it, and why?
  11. B

    The Ugly Thread!

    in b4 lock
  12. B

    Most embarrasing moment with parents?

    ^^ oii - bit of a pervert aren't you
  13. B

    text sex? wtf?

    I hope I don't go over my 500 outside texts. My parents will kill me.
  14. B

    did any mid-westerners feel the earthquake?

    i felt it last night,and also today.first time i ever felt an earthquake in MI...far out! u r right.i wouldnt want to be in a big one
  15. B

    TigerNation's Trivia?

    6.i think its ty cobb. 10..404 or something.....go tigers