Recent content by badwolf_got_suspended

  1. B

    Has anybody taken the Yahoo Answers guidelines quiz?

    oh my days it's hard, i only got 4 right, but it earned me 20 points when i did it again
  2. B

    Are there any websites where you can sell old/broken/unwanted tech? (eg. handheld...

    why not try ebay you can sell most things there long as you put its broken and is being for spares or repair
  3. B

    I got a VIOLATION and the reason was for chatting, what a joke.?

    No thou must not chateth on the holy grail that is Yahoo Answers, thou must send forth thy knowledge and ask deepth and meaningful questions basically i think they just give violations because they bored sometimes or some muppet decides to report you for no other reason that being sad with no life
  4. B

    Is this the Thin End of the Wedge for the introduction of foreign, Sharia

    If you actually read the response properly it does say that Sharia Law will never be introduced or replace current laws of England, Scotland or Wales but if their are communities who still wish to apply Sharia Law in the lives then they are able to do so. So this does not mean its being...
  5. B

    Please tell me this is not true is this just a story to bump up property...

    why would he have to sign the sex offenders register? he has never been convicted of a sexual offence,
  6. B

    So, how exactly is printing more money in the uk going to help the recession?

    unless they are going to give it away free so we can spend more, if people don't have it they not going to spend it or have i missed something
  7. B

    If the golliwog appeared on Robertsons Marmalade how did it become racist?

    i know about the incident with Carole thatcher but is it the name that's offencive or the actual doll itself. i am genuinely curious
  8. B

    So, a little strange that the highest paid celebrity has won Big Brother?

    do we think its a case of Channel 4 protecting their investment or am i being a tad cynical
  9. B

    So what do we think of the D.O.I celebrity line up?

    the celebs are.. Coleen Nolan (Loose women & Nolan sister) Zoe Salmon (Blue Peter presenter) Melinda Messenger (ex page 3) Gemma Bissix (ex eastenders) Roxanne Pallet (ex emmerdale) Jessica Taylor (ex Liberty X) Todd Carty (ex eastenders) Jeremy Edwards (Ex holby) Graeme Le Saux (ex England...
  10. B

    If there was to be a Celebrity Jeremy Kyle who do you think would be on it?

    i'd say Kerry Katona Jade Goody Ulrika Johnsoon Pete Docherty Amy Winehouse
  11. B

    When did you meet your lifetime partner?

    13 years ago and would you believe of all places in a bingo hall, we both used to work there he fancied me, we went away for the weekend and the rest as they say is history
  12. B

    Boring celeb magazines - BORING?

    i quite agree i do not subscribe to any of these magazines, but it just reflects the celebrity obsessed culture we have now-days. now that anyone can be classed as a celebrity with things like Big Brother, and X-factor these fuel these magazines more. I think these contribute to people's...
  13. B

    Boring celeb magazines - BORING?

    i quite agree i do not subscribe to any of these magazines, but it just reflects the celebrity obsessed culture we have now-days. now that anyone can be classed as a celebrity with things like Big Brother, and X-factor these fuel these magazines more. I think these contribute to people's...