Recent content by BadGirl1

  1. B

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

    If he had any "dirt to dish" on President Obama he would have done so months ago. Too late!
  2. B

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

    If he had any "dirt to dish" on President Obama he would have done so months ago. Too late!
  3. B

    Why does the Right Whine about Media Coverage when Rupert Murdoch has 75% of the TV

    It's all part of the right wing brainwashing technique. Say it often enough and loud enough and finally the masses will believe it! I believe this was a technique developed by Adolf Hitler's public relations chief. The fascist ploys still work, on some.
  4. B

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

    If he had any "dirt to dish" on President Obama he would have done so months ago. Too late!
  5. B

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

    If he had any "dirt to dish" on President Obama he would have done so months ago. Too late!
  6. B

    Why is it all such a big joke to Obama?

    Every president participates in this event every year. Our last president did his turn every year from 2001 to 2008. Are you still crying for the 4500 Americans killed in Iraq or the unknown Iraqi's who died? Short memories are a curse.
  7. B

    Is Obama trip to India first billion dollar vacation in history?

    So, you swallowed the FOX News BS hook,line and sinker. Every U.S. President travels on Air Force One with an entourage of staff and security. Air Force One is fine for GOP Presidents but the wing nuts expect President Obama to fly in the back of coach on a budget airline. Hypocrisy by the...
  8. B

    what did girls do at The Beatles concert besides scream?

    sorry no link but my grandma just said they screamed, jumped,cried,and threw clothes at them because their music was awesome hope i helped
  9. B

    A good place to vacation?

    In the summer with kids within driving distance of northern VA/ DC. We have been to Myrtle Beach several times already. Something educational would be nice. Thanks