Recent content by AYYPAPI

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    Throw Down Your Best Jokes

    i come bearing more lulz: Gator Tricks: A guy walks into a bar with a pet alligator by his side. He puts the alligator up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons. "I'll make you a deal. I'll open this alligator's mouth and place my genitals inside. Then the gator will close his mouth...
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    Favorite Babylon 5 Characters

    G'kar rules no doubt about it! Fave moment - Vir waving to Morden's head on a pike. Finally!
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    Really, just use a match. Lighters mess things up. Matches work better. I don't even smoke and I know that.
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    I was in commerce the other day and we started talking about how Red, Yellow and Orange (Like the red and yellow at McDonalds) stimulates your hunger. Is this true? What about all the other colours? What do they make you feel? Please don't be rude about this if you think it is a silly...
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    Dead guy found in my town

    Oh lawd, someone died
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    mother put baby in microwave

    That actually pales in comparison to my uncles escapades with hurting cats. His best so far was putting one in a cement mixer. He thought he would get a cat-shaped block of concrete like in cartoons. However the weight of the swirling cement just crushed it's little bones. My girlfriend doesn't...
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    just got back from ozzfest...

    Oh just the fact that all the music sucks.
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    Myspace Is Racist.

    lol wut?
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    so i just bought a.........

    get an extendo(extending night sitck)and youre fuckin set. my friend just bought his self a 26" shocking extendo and hit this kid in the back with it and the kid pissed his pants and everyone laughed. EDIT: then we hit this other kid in the penar and he cried.
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    my buddys freind found a body thismorning!!!

    Did he rape it?
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    Lets Play A game...

    I KNEW IT. Nick said she turned 14 last month. If she was 16 -18 like I said he wouldn't have posted.
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    Giant ant hill

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    How neighbourly are you?

    That depends wholly on the circumstances and the impression I had to the person at the time. Using a phone, definitely. Something to drink, definitely. And the context would determine whether they get food or a shower. I am not saying flat out no because there can always be circumstances where...
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    What would you do, if pbnation.....

    Become an hero.
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    how long did it take you to get this???

    i heard this stupid i'm so fucking retarded in 6th grade