Recent content by Avory

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    How much would it cost for me to get an 16gb Iphone 4g at Verizon?

    Im on my moms bill and right now and i want to be off of it how do i do that? i also want to know how much it would be to get set up with an iPhone with unlimited txt pic ex... whats the rough statement of how much all of this would cost?
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    What simple dish have you mastered?

    I make a mean tuna sandwich!
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    Do you think we'll live to see the day where every man's sideburns are even and

    lol NO way...thats called wishful thinking.
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    Do you know anybody with a contagious laugh? ex best friends' sister. lol her laugh is just would be a great ringtone lol.
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    POLL:What's the best food to eat when you're drunk?

    CheeseBurger with fries!
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    How can I get iTunes to recognize my iPod?

    Today I turned my iPod on and found all the music and everything to be erased. So I went to plug it into my computer, thinking I could just add all the music again, but iTunes doesn't acknowlege its plugged in. How can I get the program to recognize my ipod? I've tried the holding the menu...
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    Blackberry users.. help!?

    I would make sure that you properly have the data package with your phone. If you do and its still not working the next thing I would do is take out the battery and put it back in, then turn the phone back on. That's what I always do when my phone is screwing up and it always works for me...
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    If it says a sale ends Sunday does that mean it's still available on Sunday?

    I want to order a sweatshirt from a website for my bf while its on sale, but won't be able to till tomorrow (Sunday). On the site it says the sale ends on Sunday so does that mean I can still get it at the sale price on Sunday or that its already over?