Recent content by Avaricee

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    Holy shit(involves legos)

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    Online Driving Theory

    Try to say that to my parents! lol, I hate getting instructed the most basic concept of how to operate a car. "The gas pedal is what takes you forward if you are in drive." "The brake pedal is made for stopping." Anyways V, the driving instructor should tell you everything that you need...
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    Saddam Hussein sentenced...

    never looked at it like that.. good point.
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    NASA Hides Truth About Mars

    oh shi-
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    Science fact or science fiction ?

    Do I get to pick which dimension of me isn't real? There's one I'd definitely like to get rid of.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrrr! I'm having a nightmare time getting my new glasses sorted. I can't figure out if it's the frames, the lenses or a combination of both. I've been back to the optician's several times and the frames tweaked and a different lens put in the right eye, but the stupid things still aren't...
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    6 Nations

    For those who weren't in Chat, here is a copy of the rugby side of the convo few dozen smilies edited to keep below limit
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    Ok here's the situation: I want the phone, and I found this sale and I want to buy it on the off for the £150 - saving me £30 (it would be £180 with my Argos staff discount). However, my parents say it's a risk paying that much for something where there is no guarantee or place to return it if...
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    What Are You Asking For, For X-mas/Chanukkah/Kwanzaa

    You're asking for Vista? lulz :rolleyes:
  11. A

    So if you want to be a male runway model

    Mitch an email from Your dating ad has been on our website for 9 years now without any reply. Do you want us to try 1 week without a picture? Barstewards!
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    Im fat

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    We wants one, precioussss...

    Oh goddamnit. Me wants. My first question was "How can i use those things in the winter" and bam, there's a whole page on it.
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    I have to get up earlier though to go and de-ice my windscreen! I am sure I hardly had to do that last year though, didn't seem to get many frosts at all. But yeah,it can be really beautiful! I do find it a struggle deciding which coat/boots/scarf to wear- at least in summer it's easier as I...
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    The MAP edited pics thread.

    800x600 and about 100k please