Recent content by AttilatheHun

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    What is a Hells Bells, please explain?

    My cousin Ron seems interested.
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    Where is you favorite vacation spot?

    i live in hawaii so i dont need one =)
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    Are you religious if so what religion?

    Also who is the most religious person you know? For me it obviously my cousin Ron. I am not.
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    I already have an Lg viewty, is there a point in getting a zune?

    my phone can play music, videos, has a camera, touch screen my question is, is there a point in getting a zune? exept unlimited downloads
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    Buying a Laser Sailing Boat?

    Hi People Id like to buy a Laser sailing Boat. But I live in southern Germany And The Closest Place to Buy I could Find was in Switzerland . Do you guys know of any Place Close To me Or do I have to have it shipped over?