Recent content by athelnstone

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    Good Fantasy Book to Read?

    Some best fantasy books are as below : 1) Lord of the Rings 2) The Newford 3) Dune
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    Which country invented soccer?

    Soccer is invented by China in the 2nd and 3rd century BC.
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    Should I play football for my school?

    Yes that is good that you like to play and participate in football in your school.You should play football in your school because that is good for your career also and there are many benefits to you in that.
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    Who is your favorite sports announcer?

    My favorite sports announcer are as below : 1) Bill Raftery 2) Mike Tirico 3) Brent Musberger
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    Did this make you laugh?

    No I did not find any funuy here which make me smile.
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    CONTEST!!......Funniest name(s) for Santa's Elves?

    Some funniest names are as below : 1) Adolph 2) san 3) Joker
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    short funniest joke you've heard or know?

    SARDAR:: Beta ye kaisi machis lay kar aaye ho ek bhi nahi jal rahi SON :: kya baat kartay ho pappa sub check kar kay laya hoooon.
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    Is a joke about disabled child funny?

    TEACHER: What's the longest word in the English language ? Pupil: Smiles - because there is a mile between the first and last letters !
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    funniest movie you have seen ?

    Some My favorite comedy movies are as below : 1) Up 2) Up in the air 3) In the loop
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    What's You're 5 Favourite Movie/Film?

    My top 5 favorite movies are as below : 1) The innocents 2) The Happening 3) The Shaft 4) Fantasia 5) The Lion King
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    What movie can I watch????????????????

    Some good movies for you are as below : 1) The Crazies 2) District 9 3) Sugar 4) The Rescuers 5) Cinderella 6) Dumbo
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    What sport schould i play?

    Hockey is not bad sports but I think you should play cricket because popularity of cricket is more than hockey.Cricket is also good game and give more enjoy to play.
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    Which was invented first, ice hockey or soccer?

    Ice-hockey is invented first ,It is invented in First B.C and soccer is invented between second and third B.C.
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    What's harder, gymnastics or soccer?!?

    According to me Gymnastics is harder because It require more hardwork and efforts then soccer.
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    favorite sports

    I like to play football.This is my favorite games and I play football daily 2-3 hours.