Recent content by aston

  1. A

    Why do many people mistake me as a dyke lesbian/lipstick lesbian?

    Alright, I must admit that I do sound like a girl a lot and that I have a baby face which could be the main thing why people mistake me as a girl. People usually think I look a lot like Naomi Campbell from Skins. I have bleached blonde hair, my hair is similar to hers. I'm active in fashion...
  2. A

    Religion deepens the meaning of science?

    science is simply observing what is in place. science hits a brick wall. it is redundant. it will never prove existence. bottom line. walk by faith. not by sight.
  3. A

    why does my sharp 1080p tv have a bad pic with dvd players?

    if you want to watch DVDs on a HDTV then you should really use an upscaling DVD player, sorry to correct the previous answers but component cables are probably the worst thing to use, the HDTV shows a bad picture because its showing more information than your old tv would have, because the TV is...
  4. A

    Where is this pornographic video?

    OK i think its under all and under best of all time or something on pornhub, and its got two girls and a guy ad at the bginning of it one of the girls is on a skateboard and the other two arent, one of the girls is blonde with medium hair and the other is longer brown or red hair i THINK, 10...
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    Where is this pornographic video?

    OK i think its under all and under best of all time or something on pornhub, and its got two girls and a guy ad at the bginning of it one of the girls is on a skateboard and the other two arent, one of the girls is blonde with medium hair and the other is longer brown or red hair i THINK, 10...
  6. A

    My clown loach always fight whenever I feed them!?

    Whenever I feed them they always fight over one piece when I put about 4 pieces in. I only have two and the food i give them at the moment is fast sinking tablets designed for bottom feedig fish, i cut this ito four and put them in and they eat them but it takes much longer because it looks like...
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    Where can a gay boy in Phoenix, Az meet another gay boy?

    I am a freshman in high school so I don't have a car but I do know gay juniors who would be happy to drive me someplace.
  8. A

    Why does GunZ keep closing?

    GunZ The Duel, keeps closing back to the optimizer every minute or so and I have NO IDEA Why, I downloaded the game did it so i re downloaded it and still doesent work, its all updated and yet whenever i start playing about 2 mins in i just get d/c'd Please help what can I do? I will be soo...
  9. A

    Is there any place where i can request for an invite to

    It would be great if any one out there ( a registered user) can send me an invite. Please send an invite to aston_m1980 (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in. Thanks a lot in advance. :-)