Recent content by aslan

  1. A

    Christians - concerning Mt 5:5?

    are you trying to sound smrt by saying "matthean"? why not just verse from matthew like a normal person? and i dont care about your question
  2. A

    Religion: What does this mean?

    your nephew is the messiah
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    ANZAC Day

    respect to our allies and their families down under
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    Fist Fighting tips?

    Back yourself into a corner, get on all fours and start growling. Then go for the jugular with your teeth. Make sure to lock your jaw and stay grasping his neck until his body is lifeless. Its what the wild cats do, and they are pretty baller.
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    moon landing

    If they could take pictures from early jets breaking the sound barrier, and from early orbital launches, the moon wouldn't have been a problem. As for setting up a base on the moon, I actually read a book awhile back (too lazy to search for the title) that insisted that not only is it easier to...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Yes I actually got to wear my magnetic clip-on shades. And in Barrhead too Glasgow
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    He is probably better off dead.
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    Your plans for summer

    Work, lifting, football, maybe going on a road trip.
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    Abortion is Wrong

    There you go Blade, I even started it with a title to boil your blood so you can let it all out in the first post. How the other thread went from "I'm sorry if ethnic discrimination was implied in my post and hope I didn't offend anyone" was turning into what it did. . . . . . anyways, please...
  10. A

    Why do we eat meat?

    I can prove I am not a herbivore...I love steak, roast, burgers, lamb chops! Steak medium rare and not a touch more...must be dripping the red juice...mmmm.
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Fact is it was an American who started this discussion. Don't open a can of worms if you don't want to eat them.
  12. A

    Death penalty

    [No message]
  13. A

    what is the difference between driving a sport bike and a dual-purpose bike ?

    for instance, what is the difference between riding a Ninja 250R 250 and KLX 250S ? I know that you can go off-road with the KLX is there any special way or movements that makes it different when handling both of these motorcycles on a pavement street ?
  14. A

    do you smoke cigarettes? if so,how old were you when you started?

    2-Do your parents smoke? Do they know if you smoke ?
  15. A

    It's the Friday before Christmas...

    And I'm getting a train back home, wish me luck I've got a 6 hour journey to get back home (Which is fricking ridiculous when you look at the distances I'm travelling) What sort of hours are you guys logging for getting home for Christmas?