Recent content by ashleyb

  1. A

    What did you guys do during the downtime?

    Killed a family of four.
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    Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

    My Handy-dandy pocket sized Flux Capacitor has always done the trick, no need to waste the money on that.
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    Quotes you live by

    Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward, Whoever can not take care of himself without that law is both, For a wounded man shall say to his assailant "If I live, I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven" Such is the rule of honor.
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    I agree, but your annoying and need to get the fuck off mah interw3bz
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    What Is the current California fashion/style?

    i see mostly people wearing the style's off of tumblr. A lot of floral ,toms, shorts, half cut shirts, forever21 stuff...
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    would a coconut be classified as a fruit?

    is it?
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    Where can i find blink182 panties/underwear? they have them but it was from their...

    ...old tour. I need them.? help please. or even a site to buy them from.
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    So im going fishing..

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    Why do you drink?

    because if i didn't, i would die of dehydration :dodgy:
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    Does anyone have these ringtones?

    Does anyone have Trey Songz, Gucci Mane, or Plies ringtones they can send me??? If you do please let me know... Thanks :) just email me if ya do (: I looked on and they do not have what i want... I want to be able to get free ringtones without having to pay for them.
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    Looking to buy noise cacelling headphones. Narrowed down to 6 choices. help please!!!

    Saw that show on TV the other day. Didn't blink for about 27 minutes.
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    I have an eviction on my record and want to move to Maryland. Im a DC resident

    What can I do? I owe rent from last October from my apartmet in DC. I want to live in MD but where do they not do a credit check or where can find assistance in paying off my debt?
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    What was the song playing at the very beginning of Gossip Girls Empire of the son?

    The song plays at the beginning when Lilly is walking into the court-house, and then again at the end
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    What is the name of the song that is playing when Rebecca is having phone sex?...

    ...I can't find it anywhere.. Help? The movie the room mate. 2011
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    Trading for FireRed on an emulator?

    I've tried like twenty things and can't make it work. I always get the save error... I'm using VBA System Link Support 1.8.0. I've been told it works, but I can't figure it out. Even had friends in the past who have worked it out.