Recent content by AshleighM

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    Where do you work?

    i rap at interscope records
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    Horizon: The Ghost In Your Genes

    I'm always wary of popular science. Horizon is definitely an interesting programme and I enjoy watching it. But they tend to pick on "cool" and exciting theories even if they are unpopular within that field of science. eg look at the obsession with string theory throughout horizon and various...
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    On-line Shopping Advice Needed

    I've used this company, and others which I have not listed, several times without any service or delivery issues.
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    Problems continue in Southern Thailand

    It has to be said again, great post Slip.
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    Whats your favorite pizza toppings?

    Buffalo chicken, or ham and pineapple.
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    girl trouble

    Yup, the reason for that is because when you're attached you generally lack the whole "needy and insecure" vibes, and girls like that. Of course if you're married and haven't had sex since the crimean war then things may be different.
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    eugenics thread.

    I'm picking out one bit of your post to respond to and I apologise for that, but am trying to post while I eat and doubt if I could handle too much at once You could as well say the same for the law, but it works because socially, we all more or less agree to stick with it. If you start...
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    why does everyone think they can fight?

    Till you're in jail getting Jamal's cock bashed into your asshole. :rolleyes:
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    Kicking in mid air

    Is it me or does a hop before a side round kick generate more power (as opposed to turning your foot for torque)?
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    I guess you think Im nuts!?

    I've two dogs (one at 11 is sadly fading into old age all too rapidly) and they work better than just the one I think. They keep each other company, sleep next to each other when it's a bit chilly, play games etc. When you leave them in kennels you don't feel as bad. Things on the horizon for...
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    Where is the best place to buy sport bike jackets for women?

    My boyfriend drives motorcycles and I have a good jacket for the spring and summer, but I cannot find one that I can afford for the winter. Does anyone know of any places that online or in store that sell bike jackets for women at a reasonable price?
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    Where is the best place to buy sport bike jackets for women?

    My boyfriend drives motorcycles and I have a good jacket for the spring and summer, but I cannot find one that I can afford for the winter. Does anyone know of any places that online or in store that sell bike jackets for women at a reasonable price?
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    New York Jedi

    I was posting to be funny. Actually it looked like fun except I think some of them would probably take it a lot more serious than me. Switch it to some sort of foam sword, lose the star wars costumes and add a few beers and I believe a good time could be had by all. Edit: This would be cool...
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    Do Not Open Till Xmas! Which is worse, getting stabbed by your wife or being flocked over by your parents?