Recent content by asdfjkl

  1. A

    2001 Honda Accord V6, San Jose to Los Angeles?

    I'm planning a road trip with a few friends and might be taking my car. The mileage is about 105,600. It's a Honda Accord V6 engine, year 2001. Do you think the car will make it to LA (~350 miles one way). Any recommendations for service check ups? I'm about to get an oil and filter change at...
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    What is the name of the famous French lounge type melody?

    It has a woman's vocals and it is often used as stereotypical elevator music. Thanks so much for your help :)
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    Mazda3 4-Door, Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic Sedan ?!?

    I'm looking for my first car to buy and I'm down to those three cars. Which one should I choose? Obviously, as a high schooler, the mazda3 looks a llot better than the toyota and honda. But i'm still deciding on which to purchase. I'm hoping to use automatic rather than manuel as well. Can...
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    What is the impact speed when a car moving at 110 km/h bumps into the rear of

    another car traveling in the sam? help. you will get an extra 10 points. please! also, if you could tell me how you did it, that would be fantastic! sorry!!!!!! it didn't type all of the question. i ran out of room. What is the impact speed when a car moving at 110 km/h bumps into the rear of...
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    iphone took a picture of my calculator?

    my iphone took a picture of my calculator today...has this happened to anyone else?
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    Are Indian Bollywood actresses more beautiful than Hollywood actresses? yay

    they are beautiful but they look just as made up and REALLY retouched as american actresses.
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    how much do you think it would cost to have my 3.5 lbs.yorkie/chihuaha mix spayed?? ?

    she is about 12 inchs. long and about 5 inchs high?? 3.5 lbs. and in heat lol Both of the places i've called there out on lunch and wont be back until 3 and i'm just curious what to expect we have 4 dogs that have already been spayed but they were all larger then her like one is 10 lbs. the...
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    How do I tell my mom to stop comparing her grandchild to others?

    I'm in my mid thirties and my mom lives with me. That is very trying in itself. However, if she doesn't like something my daughter or son does she always says, "that's not how so and so acts" or I'll go visit my other grandchildren & play with them since you're not listening. I noticed that it...
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    Is Osama Bin Laden still alive?

    Yes and he may be elected nov. 4th
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    Do you think if things get bad enough in the economy there might be a backslash

    i hope so, If Matt Damon can make a crappy movie like, "Stuck on You" and his opinion still matters then we all are screwed. Hey Matt I want my 7 bux back!
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    LG white chocolate VX8500?

    My friend stepped on my phone and the interior LCD screen is broken. How much would it cost to repair the phone? Where can I purchase a new interior LCD screen? Any help is welcomed, thanks!
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    help? my kid is being bullied! what can I do?

    we moved into this neighborhood last year and my 6th grade son was playing in the park when this boy whom I saw him playing with just days earlier starts pummeling him. I look out my kitchen window and pull him off my son. I drag him to his mother's house and told her what had happened. She...
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    Have you received a request from "Yahoo Team" for personal information because

    r u serious?? now someone is going way too far. I will be on the look out from now on
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    can someone tell me the difference?

    what is the difference between MARSIPAN FONDANT GUM PASTE ?? thanks :)
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    After complaining constantly for the past week about lack of media coverage

    dude, no one is paying attention to him this week anyway, because the 5th beatle is in Europe.