Recent content by ArtVandelay1

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    i just realized that i have a dentist appointment on december 21 is this related... the prophecy? of the end of the world? plz help thx
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    Hypothetical : Rookie QB 3 Year Avg 4,500 Yards, 70% Completions, 40 TD's,

    in my opinion his stats would certainly warrant induction, but its totally up to the voters. so one never knows EDIT @ D i was thinking about the sympathy vote too but since there is a 5 year waiting period a lot of that would die off because the emotions would not be as fresh.
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    Does the new rookie cap end hold outs?

    no they can still hold out if they are trying to get more guaranteed money. but holding out will cost 30,000 a day. twice what it cost last year and in previous years.
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    ? MEN: is it OFFENSIVE is a girI laughs when she sees your P3NIS ????

    they bounce and jiggle? are you sure you know the difference between titties and a penis?
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    how do you stop smoking cigarettes?

    yesterday makes 6 weeks for me. i smoked 29 years. there is no easy way to quit. first thing is the person has to want to do it. what i do, and its not as easy as it sounds, is every time i go into a store i make the conscious decision not to buy a pack of cigarettes. so later on it doesnt...
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    Just got hired at Old Navy...but I have a set vacation in a month and a half.?

    if the old navy is anything like the current navy and army, then after you do your boot camp and tech school you get to go home on leave before you get sent to your permanent duty station. but the dates dont match up fpr a december leave.
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    If smoking tobacco was 100% safe, would you do it?

    probably not. I don't like the way it smells nor tastes.
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    How to upload cellphone pictures to desktop?

    I have a Samsung Rogue from Verizon. However, I cancelled my Verizon contract, so technically I don't have a phone anymore. I still carry it around with me, however, and use it to take pictures. It used to be that I could simply upload them directly to the internet from my phone. HOWEVER...
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    Want some hilarious jokes!!!?

    Well personally I thought these were the funniest jokes ever created by man.. But that's just my opinion
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    Is there anyone in the AL that could beat out Torii Hunter or Ichiro Suzuki for a

    Adam Jones was the third outfielder last year, so he would probably be the best bet to knock one of them off. Nick Markakis might be another candidate.
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    Do you think humor is dead among conservatives?

    I don't know about that but irony sure is.
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    How can i conect my blue ray to my Home theatre?

    Connect the 'Audio out' from the television to the surround system. Then, your TV will pass the audio there. Good luck.
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    Have you Ever Wondered What movie stars are Doing When their not Making Movies?

    They do the same thing that Tiger Woods does when he's not playing golf.
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    How do you know where famous people will be and when like the events?

    Your friend is fibbing. Stalking is the best way to go.