Recent content by armywifeAshley

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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    the cease fire is dependant on Hezbollah disarming. Yet Syria and Iran are rearming them. Hmm I guess you would have to expect both sided to follow it and not just 1.
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    muslim suspended for wearing veil

    well i was talking to a muslim friend the other day about homosexuals.. he said to me that his religion has no problems with gay people as long as they keep it to themselves and within closed doors. he then said the problems occurs when they bring it into society whic affects other people. if...
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    How can one become E-Famous?

    Make a video of yourself masturbating and having sex with a small animal
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    when you shot JFK? I KNEW IT!
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    Ask a new Mod anything!

    Whatever happened to Talk Small?
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    eggs...water balloons...wat else?

    Perfect Nordic! I was trying to think of something less permanent to use. Sounds good to me.
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    For the Lads!

    Rugby match? Cricket? wtf is going on?
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    Abortion is Wrong

    I will pray for you
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    I enjoy the taste of icecream

    cool story hansel
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Yea the difference being the USA is developed.
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    Football Game - Sim/MMORPG

    I just realize my sig was to Canadian. I have to change the red to Navy.
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    woman in ireland refused necessary medical abortion and dies

    I've never understood why fire is such a threat in hell? If I no longer have a physical body then I won't have any pain receptors or nerve impulses to transmit pain stimulus to my brain right? No problem. If the devil/god has to make me new nerves and skin in order to burn me then why not just...
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    My Heart...

    Apparently I have a heart-o-gold. Not sure why though...