Recent content by Aquabanana

  1. A

    Is my iPod dead for good?

    i did this with a phone and a ipod before also, well once it fell in da toilet. unscrew the screws from the body of it liek the casing and leave it on a window seal or somewhere with direct sunlight
  2. A

    How much would all this cost for my car?

    I am soon inhereting a 1999 for falcon Au from my parents for my 17th or 18th birthday im planning to save up a bit fo money and put soem stuff into it this is the list: darkest legal window tint 19, 20, 21 or 22 inch black rims some neon Spoiler Maybe body kit if i can find one escparco...
  3. A

    car window tinting costs?

    how much does it cost to get complete window tinting for a car i am interested in egtting it for a ford falcon au 1999 model i want the darkest legal tint hwo mcuh would this cost around??? or jsut how much does it it cost on average to get the darkest legal tint in australia prefarbly????
  4. A

    Is there a way to make Windows Live Messenger pop up through full-screen programs?

    No but a programe taht can do that is Xfire. you can open it up whilst doing anything on your computer, playing video games, wathcing movies what ever. its as simple as that just google it and go on their homepage and download it form there