Recent content by Anjali

  1. A

    Where can I do a course in Android ?

    Nothing too big or fancy...I don't want a degree/certificate in it or something I want to get started on Android, I've read "Android for dummies" "Head first into Android" etc....But when It comes to actual development and programming, I keep bouncing off, because there's so much that I don't...
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    I am using Dell Insp 5050 and CD/DVD not reading disc?

    I am using Dell Inspiron 5050 CD/DVD drive sometimes stop reading disc. please advice
  3. A

    Pls rate my articles ! how do they look ? (read on!)?

    Okay, so I wanna write a book.. Schools over and there's time before college. I've done a ton of research...and a lot more stuff. I know what it takes. Trust me Getting to the point. I just want some practice before starting , so I opened up a blog and am publishing a few articles. The link...
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    how to make android apps ?

    I want the full tutorial for that & what i have to do to make my app available on app store?
  5. A

    Blackberry bold 9700 problem?

    Hi, Your Blackberry Bold 9700 has not yet been unlocked. That is why it says the previous network's name. You must unlock it from network restriction. To unlock it from network restriction, You must enter the unique unlock code. You can get the unique unlock code from...
  6. A

    Netbook lost ? Ways to track it? [LoJack is not installed]?

    Suppose a foreign tourist had visited any country. He had lost his netbook there. And, the thief has got his/her laptop, he at once format the owner's netbook. Now, if he connect that netbook with internet. Is there any possibility that the owner can get his/her laptop? How can owner achieve...
  7. A

    Husband chatting with other women on facebook and planning to met her?

    My husband establishing relation with other women by chatting on facebook. Also he is planning to meet her. She staying far away. Everyday he is spending 2-3 hours with her till midnight. He wants her to sing for him. Also he is using soft words towards he. He hiding that he is having a wife. I...
  8. A

    Which is the best OS? Android or Symbian ?

    Android is much better than Symbian. Because I have heard from most of the people that Android is the best. Users install Android in their mobiles. I think you should go with Android.
  9. A

    Which is the best OS? Android or Symbian ?

    Android is much better than Symbian. Because I have heard from most of the people that Android is the best. Users install Android in their mobiles. I think you should go with Android.
  10. A

    Do you laugh when someone falls?

    On purpose? Yes. On accident? Definitely not. That's just mean.
  11. A

    Poll: boys and girls, what would you have done in this situation?

    take the "staring" incident happening randomly as a compliment and ignore it :)
  12. A

    Are there more people who know how to cook right now than in the past? Or the

    I think that the people who know and love to cook are more diverse now as in the past it was mainly a female activity in the home and a male activity professionally. Now you find less women who cook at home and more in professional fields. I also feel that many more have taken food preparation...
  13. A

    Are there more people who know how to cook right now than in the past? Or the

    I think that the people who know and love to cook are more diverse now as in the past it was mainly a female activity in the home and a male activity professionally. Now you find less women who cook at home and more in professional fields. I also feel that many more have taken food preparation...
  14. A

    Are there more people who know how to cook right now than in the past? Or the

    I think that the people who know and love to cook are more diverse now as in the past it was mainly a female activity in the home and a male activity professionally. Now you find less women who cook at home and more in professional fields. I also feel that many more have taken food preparation...
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    What is my astrology prediction?

    Name : Anjali Yadav DOB : 11/11/1980 Time: 5:35 PM Place: Bhiwani (Haryana) INDIA Gender: Female Do I have Manglik and Kalsarp Dosh? Is 2009 my marriage year? Will I settle in India or abroad after the marriage? (I have spent 2 yrs working in abroad before). Pls help me with the answers on...