Recent content by animelover

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    Should I get an iPad 2 or an iPad 1?

    Lately I have been hearing a lot of things about the iPad 2 and all the things it can do. But I don't know if I should get it or not... So firstly, what is the difference between iPad 1 and iPad 2? Secondly, will I be able to put my iphone apps on the ipad or will i have to buy new apps? Thirdly...
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    I saw a heavily pregnant woman smoking today.

    Personal habits which harm third parties who are not being compensated for, are open to criticism.
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    Google Image Wars v. 8362348246

    edit: resize the tape you dumbass.
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    unrequited love anime?

    looking for sad anime like NANA and paradise kiss where two people fall in love but end up with other people. thanks a bunch
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    Sent to the office due to pen :tdown:

    my dog just farted
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    Are you "laid down"?

    Are you "laid down"? Don't be nervous, sweet thing. If you want to ask me out, just ask me out! You're not really my type, but I'll settle for you because I like your sass. PM the good shiat, beayatch!
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    where can i watch kagihime?

    i watch till 8 episode on youtube both thet it i can find anywhere episode 9,10,11,12 plz help me
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    Do you think Technology will replace humans in the future?

    With todays technology and the future technology.
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    How do I stop worrying about the future?

    I need help someone plz.. I can't get any sleep at night I worry that I'm gonna die if I don't sleep.
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    xpress music nokia 5310 wall papers?

    i need a place where i can download wall papers which suit my phone
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    can anyone who already registered their Virtual Villagers game send the game

    and the code to me? i want to buy it but since i don't buy things on web and i can't find it anywhere in my country...please..
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    I have a nokia 5310 and i dont know how to use the blue tooth?

    and can you give me more information about a blue tooth
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    How do you set up the emulator on No&gba on Jump Ultimate Stars?

    How do you set up emulator on No$gba on Jump Ultimate Stars? The game is going slow on my computer.How can I make it go faster?