Recent content by angelus

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    Alt-rock song with a chorus kind of like woahohoh woah oh?

    Alright, sorry for the lack of detail. For anyone that picks up 87.7 this song I KNOW has been on there. I'm guessing it isn't brand new, I know I heard it before, probably a month+ ago. Like it says in the question I know the chorus says something sort of like "But it's so collllll oh ohhh...
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    1998 Ford Escort Help?

    Long story short, I haven't had very much luck with this car. I've been letting my girlfriend drive it for a few months now and Ive had several problems with it. Mostly wear-n-tear stuff. ( all 4Tires, broken off rear bumper, timing belt, fan belt, battery, alternator) but a few days ago she...
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    Girls: what makes you laugh?

    Girls: what makes you laugh? And how do you laugh in real life? hehe, herher or haha? Why?
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    Girls: What makes you laugh?

    And what do you prefer when you laugh, hehe, herher or haha? WHy?
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    Where can I watch episodes 144-149 (Subtitled) of Konjiki no Gash Bell!!... (AKA Zatch Bell!!)? For some strange reason, the website I've been watching them on goes straight from ep 143 to ep 150. I LOVE this anime and am desperately searching for somewhere to watch it and if I have no other choice I suppose dubbed is OK. But nothing can beat Otani Ikue who...
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    Who would win in a Fight?

    Goku or Superman? I'd give it to Goku bc A. He has a speed advantage B. Kamehameha (enough said) I'd say it'd be an even fight for Goku all the way up to Super Sayian 2. BUT once he made it to SS3, He'd gain an upper hand, but if he was in his Super Sayian 4 form...the fight would be over...
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    Does your name look like a baseball player name?

    it does XD it really does up next to bat is Frank Mendez
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    Konjiki no Gash Bell!! (Zatch Bell!!) the second movie...?

    The Attack of the Mecha-Vulcan I think its called... I was just wondering if it is a stand alone movie like the first one or if it falls before/during/after the series? And if you have seen it was it any good?
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    How can I download Moonlight Sanata to my MP3 Player?

    I want to download Moonlight Sanata to my MP3 Plyer buy I can't find on Ares.8(
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    I've had my car repossessed, will this stop me from being able to

    finance another car? ? Through negligence and laziness, (I will admit to all these), my truck was repoed, and now I have no ride. My question is, will I have trouble, or will it take a miracle, to get another one financed? Or would I be better off saving my cash and just buying a car from out...
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    On the Rurouni Kenshin DVD...?

    The English voice actors are different to the voice actors that I know and love from the series that I was watching on TV and I was wondering if anyone knew why? If this helps, I'm one of those people who knew Rurouni Kenshin as Samurai X when it was on TV.
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    What is your fave Pedro Almodovar film? Why?

    I'm talking about the ones that he's directed. I love Bad Education. I love the way he explores the topic of abuse. It's just so captivating.
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    can someone please be honest with me and tell me why people complain? is it for a...

    I really don't know how your cousin thinks so I can't tell you for sure why he complains. Maybe he misses you and wants to see you or maybe he wants something from you. That's all I can tell from what you have said.