Recent content by Angeln

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    Blackberry Curve 8310 or Blackberry Bold?

    blackberry curve has a nice keyboard but the Bold has a better screen. i haven't had either of these phones though but these are my opinions.
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    do fish get thirsty and how do i know if it is drinking properly?

    lol, i dont think fish get thirsty.. they do nothing but swish water in and out of there mouth all day, im sure they drink some of it.
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    Help, my little Jack russell terrier is scared of big dogs!?

    Is she scared of other dogs, or is she aggressive toward other dogs? Its not very common for Jack russels to be afraid of much of anything, They tend to be one of the bravest dogs, they think there dobermans. I suggest finding some group obedience classes in your area, all dogs can benefit from...
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    Help, my little Jack russell terrier is scared of big dogs!?

    Is she scared of other dogs, or is she aggressive toward other dogs? Its not very common for Jack russels to be afraid of much of anything, They tend to be one of the bravest dogs, they think there dobermans. I suggest finding some group obedience classes in your area, all dogs can benefit from...
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    Help, my little Jack russell terrier is scared of big dogs!?

    Is she scared of other dogs, or is she aggressive toward other dogs? Its not very common for Jack russels to be afraid of much of anything, They tend to be one of the bravest dogs, they think there dobermans. I suggest finding some group obedience classes in your area, all dogs can benefit from...
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    How can i help my dog be more confident?

    My dog seems very anxious sometimes, He starts panting and acting weird and he wants outside all the time, even if its raining or cold. i know this means hes scared or something, because he used to do it when we brought the vacuum out, Then one day i was making dinner, and had to chop up a head...
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    Why don't dogs have hair on their vaginas?

    I suppose because dogs can lick themselves to keep them self clean and people cannot? who knows. I really think you need to spend less time wondering about your dogs private parts and a little more time on your school work.
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    why have my dogs started to fight?

    Are they fixed? Female dogs often fight to determine pecking order. In a wolf pack there is always a dominate female. Bringing in another dog mixes everything up. Most people assume that the new dog will automatically become the bottom of the totem pull. but this isn't always true, it makes...
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    What Do You Feed Your Cat?

    We were listening to Sirius Radio the other day and somehow we got onto the Martha Stewart channel. where a show called Cat Chat was on, Anyone heard of it? This lady Tracie hotchner whom apparently wrote a book called the cat bible hosts it. Anyway, during her show a caller called in about cat...
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    prilosec otc question. ?

    my boyfriend and i were having a bit of a debate over the directions on the package. It says to take it in the morning with a glass of water, before eating. So does this mean, like when you sit down to your meal, take your pill, then have breakfast.. or does it mean to take it, then wait a...