Recent content by Angelgirl

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    MAP members you are attracted to

    And nervous sheep
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    Aliens exist !

    4.1 Profanity: While we understand that most of our members are grown adults, we do also have young adults and children that visit MAP. Further, many people are offended by vulgar language. If you feel you must swear to get your point across, then please do it elsewhere. 4.1.1 This includes...
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    lulz @ schoolbus

    thats really shitty. but it's funny because im sure 1 of those kids works just as hard as 10 people here
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    How Many Broken Bones?

    I have broken 21 of my bones how many have you broken. oh yeah I have never broken more than one bone at a time.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Vlech. Screw being tired. I think I preferred constant massive adrenaline dumps and insomnia. Yeah. That happened. And I had to pass an exam on zero sleep, still persistently dumping adrenaline. I was concerned the invigilators would assume my huge-ass pupils were from illegal drug use and...
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    ST: What are some Frat pledging stories you know?

    I dont give a fuck who you are.. thats fucking wrong.
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    NHS privitisation explained - it's not as simple as having private hospitals and public hospitals, it's much more mixed up than that. You can have private procedures done in the same place, and by the same staff, as NHS patients. An extreme example of that I'll not forget was when my father was dying of cancer back...
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    Wild accussation

    hello, when hannibal is off duty, he can be found "stress testing" gimp suits in hong kong for the triads. thanks
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    bush should be president for life

    I’m afraid that is an urban myth that has been going around for some time but, whilst it is agreed America is a Republic, you need to differentiate between the different types of democracy; It is true that America is not a direct democracy, where all the citizens vote on every issue...
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    android phones overheating

    I've got HTC Desire, not had a problem like this before. I am looking to upgrade to the mah-hoo-sive Samsung Note (its like a mini tablet), I would say though as you got the 30day warranty, use it. Best to change it now, rather than suffer with the phone for the next 12/18/24 months. I tend...
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    My Mother said ... The Tao of Mom

    "What are you crying about? I'll give you something to cry about!" "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." (I'm still working on this one mom! ) "Do I look like your maid?"
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    WHAT SONG IS THIS pleasee helppp mee?

    the chorus goes like this... cause she makes me feel like shit, its always something i cant get over it.... shes everything i asked for and so much more who sings that? and whats the name?
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    BNP told to stop using military images in their campaigns.

    I agree completely, but in the case of the BNP I think people need to draw a line between on the one hand the real hardcore members, the genuine fascists, who actually want to see Britain become a one-party police state with all non-whites either deported or locked up in concentration camps; and...