Recent content by amylloo

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    All bow before me....

    I know I said this a few posts back but I'm going to repeat it: If you spot any new forums, links or buttons that you think you shouldn't have please contact me immediately! Links to PM and email me are on the Contact Us page and my MSN address is in my profile.
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    how bad is the crime in your area getting

    Drugs are behind a lot of the problems. Some parts of Leeds which were perfectly safe when I was young are best avoided even in the daytime nowadays - never mind at night. It's a crying shame.
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    Miley Cyrus hot or not?

    fap fap fap fap we have liftoff!
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    If you could change Your name.........

    Duke Nukem.
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    very, can't do porn because i might want to sell something on the site again
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    what would the Marines be doing?

    We are not talking about the movie smart guy. We are talkig about what they would be doing in a similar situation. :rolleyes:
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    [B] What are these for?[/B]

    [Announcer voice] Friends, have you ever looked over at an important company dinner and found little Johnny mining for nose-nuggets to the horrified looks of co-workers? Don't let this happen again with our new patented Ronco Anti-Nose Picking Gloves. Say goodbye to those embarrassing moments...
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    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    The Arabs are Muslims - they are 'people of the book'. Their religion borrows heavily from Judaism and they have adopted many of the holy sites of Judaism as holy sites of their own - and which they now object to the Jews reclaiming. They might have driven most of the Jews out of Israel once...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Damn. Always hard to deal with the pain of someone you love. And Simon...I don't think I need to tell you that a heel hook is NOT an acceptable discipline technique.
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    Mine was very good. They depend a lot on what they are mine was blue and white, it wasnt too hard to cover with black.....some colours cover easier than others. When I get a digital camera, I'll post some pics on my forum maybe
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    People doing/saying things that make you wounder what freaken planet they came from.
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    so you think your sane do you?

    I think this was posted somewhere on MAP, and I got it right.
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    Curse Words

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Why does everyone think I'm talking about swearing on MAP. Aren't there things more pertinent to life? Jeez. Anyway, it still puzzles me ... could it have been a method of control? This word is bad, you can't say it! And the public listens. Keeps them subjugated...
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    Was Jesus a Bodhisattva?

    Amoung the numerous issues include: - the oposition to female pastors, probably my biggest issue. I think this is a really archaic view - the evangelism goals I also see as being culturally offensive - The absolutely rediculous reaction to Dr Benke's participation in a multi regligous...
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    Why are there double standards in international policy?

    Oppressive dictatorships, religious zealots, these are not the folks I want with nukes.