Recent content by AmyD

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    Will a Motorola Milestone 3 case fit an HTC sense?

    Will a Motorola Milestone 3 case fit a Boost mobile HTC sense?
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    I have a cracked/damaged cowl vent on my car. Where would I go to replace it?

    Ok, first off, I'm a little stumped at what a cowl vent is. :O I've asked before to identify what the object was on my car >.< and now I don't even know where to go to replace it. I've googled it, yahood it, ebayed it, but I can't seem to find the part for sale anywhere. HELP! It's a '97...
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    for girls: if i came up and started talking to you what would you do?

    Your not bad looking do not know why you even think so. What matters the most is what you say thats what would determine for me weather id keep talking to you or run away.
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    Can YOU tell me many things about the iphone?

    im thinking about getting the iphone. what does microsoft exchange i think do? is 3G internet, internet all the time, where ever i go? answer my questions and please give me more information!!! after a while like a day or week am i going to get used to typing on it? HELP...
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    how do i put music on a sim card for a phone?

    i just got a new phone and i want to put music on it but i dont no how my dad told me i could put the sim card in my comp and put music on it but how??
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    Does anyone have any funny short jokes?

    any funny short jokes?
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    How i can just be happy with my figure?

    Im not obese or fat, im not that overweight but i am really really unhappy with my size. I weigh a bit more than i should only being 5ft 2 im quite short and i am too heavy for my height but i cant work out why. i go to the gym at least 3 times a week and study p.e so i am doing that about 5...
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    In the new series of Skins, what was the song playing right at the end of

    episode one? Wow that's brilliant! Thank you so much :-)
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    Quad-band Nokia 6111?

    I have had my Quad-band Nokia 6111 phone for a long while. I took it out of my drawer this morning only to find when i turned it on, it had a white screen. My mum says I should take out the battery but I can't find on where to open it. If anyone knows please help. Also, whats up with the white...
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    How do i get sound on my videos on MOTO Q phone?

    i made a short video yesterday and it played back fine. then i made one today and it played the video fine but there was no sound. so i don't know what happened? is there something i should check. im just curious if it's a simple mistake. but AH i want sound back so badly!=( Thank you!
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    Am i bisexual??How do i kno if i am?

    okay,i think i've had crushes on girls might have been just admiration..but, i thought they were sooo prettty!!i'm not sure if i'm straight,i hope this is just a phase;because i really don't want to be anything but straight[[i have nothing against those who aren't...
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    Idle Gossip or is this the truth ?? ?

    It sounds like they want to fire everyone and start over. It's better you start looking for a new job now.
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    What's the best way to get cash for used DVDs?

    Most of mine I'm looking to get rid of are old TV series sets.
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    Whats your most embarrassing moment story?

    When I found out my new boyfriend was married and has a daughter. It happened a few months ago but yea it was the most embarrassing thing thats ever happened to me.
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    What to wear for hiking?

    I'm going on an expedition in Utah in two weeks. So I wasnt wondering what clothes will I need since I will be hiking in cold, unpredictable weather and steep, slippery paths for 5-6 hours? I've never been hiking so i'm not sure what to get. Where to I find cheap hiking clothes? Thanks i'm...