Recent content by Amie

  1. A

    Is my boyfriend overly protective.....[No Twilight jokes please]?

    I just recently got into a relationship with this very charming guy. I don't know what it is about him...I had put up my guard due to a painful previous relationship experience but somehow this guy managed to break through that wall and I fell for him. He came out of nowhere and had his sights...
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    looking for a real free psychic to tell me about my future anybody out there...

    This looks so familiar :) I really wish I could help but honestly I don't think you will get your answers. Have you tried meditating on it? I find the best answers come from within. Clear your mind and breathe it out and the answer will come to you. Also you can try angel cards. They aren't as...
  3. A

    Honda Civic or Audi A1?

    Torn between the two ...
  4. A

    funny blond jokes(no offense blonds)!!?

    How do you drown a blonde? A .. put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool What does a blond and a beer bottle have in common? A .. They're both empty from the neck up. Why did the blonde scale the chain-link fence? A .. To see what was on the other side. What do you get when...
  5. A

    Math Riddles! Can you solve them?

    i only got #1 Lyric is 21 and riley is 18
  6. A

    HELP! My Nokia Nuron phone won't let me out of this PUK code thing! What do i do?

    Okay, so my nokia nuron phone from t mobile won't let me out of this one screen. It says "PIN code blocked. Enter PUK code." I don't know what my code is and whenever i do it its says i have 9 attempts left. If i turn my phone off and then back on it'll go back to that screen. Other than...
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    Where can i watch "Charlie St. Cloud" online for free?

    Without surveys, or downloading anything. Don't be rude!
  8. A

    What to see and do in Barcelona?

    We are big history and arts buffs. Also love the oddities and anything cultural. Also, would like to now what areas to stay out of for safety. Thanks!
  9. A

    Which car? 2004 Jetta, 2003 Honda Accord LX Sedan, or 2001 Honda CRV-LX?...

    ...(PICTURES INCLUDED!)? Please explain reasons why as well.
  10. A

    How much money should I take on vacation to Turkey & Greece for 1 week?

    I'm an American student going to Turkey for a school trip, but we've decided to extend our stay for some fun downtime. I've already paid for our trains and lodging and just need some advice about how much spending money I should take for food everyday and a few bar nights (plus if there's...
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    my cat is making odd noises (whining like) and is bloated, she is also

    Yeah, go the vet again. I hope your cat doesn't betray you again! Also, to the dude above, who keeps an animal inside? Weird...
  12. A

    i have a cutlass when i drive the carb hesitates and then backfires(slight pop)?

    it will do this alot until i get to faster speeds then it will reduce but still do starts up fine and idles fine,and then recently on a drive home it wouldn't accelerate past 40 mph i look at carb and throttle plate it was covered with black deposits fuel filter looks good any...
  13. A

    Do I have to have an Xbox to talk to someone with an Xbox on MSN?

    My friend uses his xbox to sign into msn a lot, and I use my pc. But for some reason, he isn't getting my messages and I'm not getting mine, even though I can see him on his xbox. It's frustrating for the both of us.
  14. A

    Skins, Series 2, Episode 7, Pandora's phone?

    Not sure, but it looks like the pink version of the samsung soul. Xx
  15. A

    If I called blockbuster and asked whoever picked up to please let me talk to...

    ...Matt, my boyfriend, is that bad? Its a slighttt emergency, and his cell phone is broken, it wouldnt be for very long. would he get in trouble? i see people working talking to people they know on the phone all the time