Recent content by Amandae1

  1. A

    Question about the LG env touch?

    I own the EnV touch. On the phone there are two screens called the Internal and External screen. This is my problem. I accidently deleted the clock that was on the external screen and I have no idea how to get it back. I went to settings, and clicked Display Settings, next you click the...
  2. A

    Hollywood undead tours?

    Does anyone know when Hollywood Undead is coming to the wisconsin or Illinois area?
  3. A

    So theres this girl, need advice lol, ladies plz?

    I totally know the situation you're in. You gotta just tell this girl that you don't like her like that. You have do say it nicely. And say that you don't want your friendship to be ruined. There is no way to not hurt her in this situation though. If you like one of her friends that likes you...
  4. A

    How do I get a meet and greet?

    If your on Team Jonas you can enter a contest. But besides that you sound just like every other girl who goes to a Jonas Brothers concert.
  5. A

    Does anyone know when the new season of "Lincoln Heights" starts?

    I adore that show and I'm kind of nervous that it got canceled. I've looked all over the internet trying to find out when it starts. 10 points to best answer. Thanks!
  6. A

    PSP & PS3, & playstation network accounts?

    my brother has a playstation 3 and has his own account on the playstation network, and has bought ps1 games under his account. he created an account for me on his playstation 3 and the playstation network where i could purchase games, etc. but i didnt. i recently got a psp 3000, and i got a game...
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    Do you have a weird celebrity crush?

    I used to have the biggest crush on Prince Eric from the little mermaid and i think Jim Carey is hot hahah whats yours?
  8. A

    How do i connect my ipod touch on internet?

    go to settings, then click on WiFi and then is says choose a network, then choose one and you should be connected
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    Motorola RAZR phones?

    I just recently got a job and now that I have my own money I can do whatever I want with it and I was thinking about buying a new phone. I have a Samsung R500. but I bought that phone because it...
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    How old do you have to be to take a driving lesson?

    I always thought you had to be 16 to take your driving lessons but werent allowed to take your actual test until you were 17, but im not sure now. Anyone know?
  11. A

    My Sims (wii)........?

    where can i find food essences? im trying to build furniture for "Maria" who moved in, and is obsessed with food. i only have 2 bacon essences, and i dont remember where i got them. a picnic maybe? where else can i get some food essences?
  12. A

    whats the purpose of sandisk SD cards for wii?

    i have a 2g one or something....
  13. A

    Annotating poem. please help? ?

    This is my poem. could you please help me annotate it, or pick out key words and say what they mean. please could you help. 10 points. (: Warning. When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me. And I shall spend my...
  14. A

    should i get the en-v or the lg rumor phone?

    get the env2. DO NOT GET THE ENV. i have so many complaints about the env. and, alot of the time you'll a defective phone. but i bought the env2 and i have no problems whatsoever. the env2 is much more upgraded and it is just the updated/smaller version of the env. hope this helped. [:
  15. A

    should i get the en-v or the lg rumor phone?

    get the env2. DO NOT GET THE ENV. i have so many complaints about the env. and, alot of the time you'll a defective phone. but i bought the env2 and i have no problems whatsoever. the env2 is much more upgraded and it is just the updated/smaller version of the env. hope this helped. [: