Recent content by Alobar

  1. A

    Craziest Thing in school i could do?

    dont do anything too crazy there max keeble. :dodgy: edit: damnit, someone already posted max keeble
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    The World Cup

    Brazil are probably the favourites, but they don't tend to do as well in Europe, so it's not a foregone conclusion. It looks more of an open contest than usual. I'd be surprised if England get further than the quarter finals. But stranger things have happened. Who would have thought that...
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    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    Iran is not Nazi Germany but The Iranian President did take stance he would wipe Israel off the map. I am getting a link.
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    Got Bored

    # I thought you were a superhero!?!
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    Girl bags first deer

    Dunno. Is it on the curriculum in pre-school in your neck of the woods?
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    Women in the Infantry

    This is a section of the article written by the Captain in the video. Note that it's not about women not being capable of serving in a combat environment, but rather about medical issues she's faced and attrition rates in different "schools" in the Marine Corps. I think she has valid points and...
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    Soldier murdered in London

    See mine.
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    Switching the keys on keyboards at school

    I have a buddy who took a screen shot of the desktop and then hid all of the icons and set the picture as the background. He watched for like the whole class period as the teacher and then the head Tech guy try to figure out what the crap was going on. It took them almost and hour and a half.
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    Immigration debate

    Hmm interesting. I'm not so sure I disagree totally. However Americans are an easy target. Because the middle class or the FoxNews class is so massive. But despite that there is a fairly large, well educated population in the US. They generally tend to be drowned out by the media which chooses...
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    When did you first join MAP?

    thats only because your older than about an ice age!!!! hows it hanging silver dude.?
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    How much do you get into Christmas?

    yeah I see a lot of that. It's very seductive because people often get the feeling of having accomplished something if they purchase it. Usually they won't be bothered to try and make anything. The dynamic has been set up to sit in an office and do 'work' until the whistle blows. It's something...
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  13. A

    Calling people "retards" or "retarded"

    Calling people "retards" or "retarded" Okay. I can see your points, but you keep falling back on a google image search as though it in some way resembles common usage of the term in casual conversation. I'm not sure I agree with that. I'll admit that I use the term frequently, and kids...
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    Girl overdoses on espresso coffee!!

    Gah!... shes just using the coffee as an excuse. She was really just suffering from work shock. Yep, it happens to most young women, they stride out their place of home, thinking they can survive in this- a mans world. This is what happens, its what you call 'in over your head'. The humble...
  15. A

    This is a serious drug test question (not a 16 year old)

    If U Just Did Heroin U Wouldnt Hav This Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!