Recent content by Alexandra

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    Poll: How many white girls did you see last night cry and complain while wasted?

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    I hit my elbow two hours ago and it was tingling I thought I just hit my...

    ...funny bone now it still hurts why? It feels like there is a bruise on my bone whenever I move my arm my elbow hurts
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    Locked out of Samsung Gt-S8500?!?

    I'm in Greece and my cousin is locked out of her phone. It turns on and goes right to the password pin screen and I have no idea what to do. Is there a code I can put in or a way to reset it completely?? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    I need help with a difficult riddle?

    A Phoenix??
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    bluetooth device to paring mode how do i do it?

    so it can connect ot my ps3 idk can someone just give me ALL the instructions to do it? so it can connect ive been trying so hard
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    why doesnt my bluetooth device connect to my ps3?

    my device is called afterglow ap.3 bluetooth communicator for ps3. wheni try to connect it and press scan it takes to long for it to scan idk why it does that i NEED help i just bought it today
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    Ron Weasley has swine flu!!

    Oh, just Avada Kedavra followed by Morsmordre.
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    Guys, who play FOOTBALL---->" soccer" please answer <3?

    I was just wondering, what type of girl you would go out with,like...girly,shy,sporty,popular,loner,soccer player,etc..... Or please describe your dream girl...Thanks :) <3333
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    How to download data from my Samsung 3 phone to computer and how to improve the...'s speed? I downloaded lots of music to my S3 phone through various programs, however as soon as I connect my phone to the computer, all the files look as if they are empty and I don't find the music anywhere. As a matter of fact, all the files (even not music ones) look empty. Does...
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    How can I make my Sci-Fi novel more futuristic?

    Have you seen star wars??
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    What should I name my gelding?

    I'm getting a barrel racing gelding and I'm not sure which name I like better. He is sorrel with 1 rear sock and a blaze. Names: Sebastian:The name Sebastian is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Sebastian is: Revered. Alt. Meaning of Sebastian:St. Sebastian is the patron saint...
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    Tumblr Alt Reblog Isn't Working?

    so earlier today the new tumblr update with the icons for reblog, like, notes, etc. on the bottom of the posts started on my account. i have had missing e installed for a while. but ever since this new tumblr update, everytime i click alt+reblog to reblog something, it downloads the picture...
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    How to install APK files on Android?

    I want to download apps that isn't available in my country so the only way to download them is in APK files. The question is, how to install those files? Any ideas?
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    Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims

    And there I was thinking you'd gotten yourself banned,
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    Some people....

    Again, there's no proof that she either knows "Bob" or knows that a freind/sibling posing as "Bob" made the call. When told about the call (her suspected involvement wasn't mentioned) she showed genuine suprise.