Recent content by Alberich

  1. A

    Kung Foo Robot!1

    Not too long before we have cyborg sensei's... But hey, that'll eliminate the TMA vs offtopic debate... because these babies will be programmed with ALL MA knowledge...
  2. A

    So i might be beaten to death..

    This dude is 100% right! but i still think that my idea would work 10 gauge + Kneecapping him + dragging in woods + beating with mace + throwing body in river = win. :evilgrin:
  3. A

    How angry have you ever gotten?

    Socom II online, when i was having an off day gettin pwned. I just yell fuck and bitch a lot when I die, thats about it.
  4. A

    Ban the last poster before you post

    for not understanding a word of the last post
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    I want....

    ^ WTH is that? You actually want it?
  6. A

    What Firefox Skin Do You Have?

    i can get that off the Firefox site?
  7. A

    If you had three wishes...

    What would you wish for? Bear in mind you cannot: A) Wish for more wishes B) Wish for more than one thing in each wish Go. :teeth:
  8. A

    The most addicting game ever

    too hard
  9. A

    Your personal RECOMMENDATION: best DVD of Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"?

    Your personal RECOMMENDATION: best DVD of Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"? I have the 1966 Bohm/Nilsson/Windgassen Bayreuth CD; but would like to purchase a DVD of equal quality. What's your personal recommendation...
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    Your personal RECOMMENDATION: best DVD of Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"?

    Your personal RECOMMENDATION: best DVD of Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"? I have the 1966 Bohm/Nilsson/Windgassen Bayreuth CD; but would like to purchase a DVD of equal quality. What's your personal recommendation...
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    Your personal RECOMMENDATION: best DVD of Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"?

    Your personal RECOMMENDATION: best DVD of Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"? I have the 1966 Bohm/Nilsson/Windgassen Bayreuth CD; but would like to purchase a DVD of equal quality. What's your personal recommendation...
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    Your personal RECOMMENDATION: best DVD of Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"?

    Your personal RECOMMENDATION: best DVD of Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"? I have the 1966 Bohm/Nilsson/Windgassen Bayreuth CD; but would like to purchase a DVD of equal quality. What's your personal recommendation...
  13. A

    what the fuck is this?

    Some kind of dinosaur?
  14. A

    Another Wagner's "Ring" QUIZ: only one question: YOU GAME?

    I've thought this through very carefully I think; and I'm pretty sure about the circumstances involved regarding the scenario of the Ring; but will admit I could be wrong - so please feel free to correct me, if this proves to be the case. QUESTION: what one and only one character, is on...