Recent content by AgnesB

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    Iran calls for Israel to be wiped off the map.

    These guys are a liability. They will never accept peace with anyone and all they need are some powerful nukes to reign down their idea of justice on us infidels. I think its just a matter of time. If Israel takes care of em now they would be doing everyone a favour.
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    Most powerful in the world?

    So the President of the U.S(or any other leader of a country) who have 50 times as much money to use for bribes do not count? Not to mention they have nukes, giant armies, the ability to have a gigantic impact on the entire worlds economy, gigantic intelligence oranizations like the CIA...
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    Make me rich!

    G, NK & Lily.. Come chat with me! I'm bored. NK - Go to the salvation army and get food vouchers.. tell em that your that poor you can't afford to live anymore.
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    Nothing says "I love you" more than......

    Nothing says "I love you" more than...... well no wonder your a fan!!
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    Love Honour and Obey

    Ditto. Personally doubt I'll ever get married, so don't really care one way or the either.
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    Saddam Hussein sentenced...

    Execution is actually alot more expensive than life in prison, at least in normal cases. All the appeals, housing the inmate while the date is figured out etc. Most people wait many years before being killed. However, im sure there will be a very small wait for Saddam. Dont think anyone wants...
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    Humour - Where to draw the freaking line

    i'd have to say that im an iofftopicture scumbag............Me and my friends make fun of eachother all of the time....and we hardly ever get friend though, gets mad at the smallest thing, which makes it all the more funnier, because he comesback with something even more...
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    HND, "foundation" BSc

    HND, "foundation" BSc That looks about right from what I've found out this afternoon. I didn't know about the HNC and HND though, nifty stepping stones
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    Hi Kogusoku... It was posted in this section as it may have some bearing (brutal as it may seem) on how some of the sword techniques martial artists use today, may have been honed / developed - even into the early 20thC. I'm sure many of the medieval western sword arts were honed / developed...
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    love this girls hair

    Who is this user mcfly? That is the bully, we shall take him on together :lockstock: Both? :eek3:
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    has st ever

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    Photography Thread 3

    He's happy really, but trying hard not to show it.
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    Epic Threads ????

    i wanna see that one
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    The pentagon is complain that the Air Force is not doing enough in Iraq? OMG now we have the branches of the military sniping at each other? If Bush was a strong commander in chief would he not prevent such a public implosion from happening? complaining....sorry I am seeing such red right now my...
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    What was the greatest book on Politics you have ever read?

    My would have to be Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, though not strictly about politics it has a pretty convincing theory on why the world has developed the way it has.