Recent content by Aerial

  1. A

    Blair AND Prescott going!

    His government has brought peace to Northern Ireland His government was instrumental in the resolution of tensions in Kosovo His government has lifted a huge number of people out of poverty in the Uk His government has played a huge part in dealing with African poverty His government has...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    When your nose injury gets re-aggravated and busted from a sparring match that was supposed to be "light." I've had a very grr couple days at boxing this week
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    A few years back I ran over a brick the day before I traded my car in for another. £70 quid for new tyre.
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    Girl without legs and no arms wants to be a cheerleader.

    And what exactly is wrong with cheering for guys? When guys watch women playing sports they cheer on their favourite female player. Does men and women being equal mean women can no longer show their support and adoration for a team of athletes made up of men?
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    Tottenham Riots

    Seems quiet here atm , despite rumours , hopefully the rain is putting them off.
  6. A

    how do i do the ebay?

    What if two people are both using auction stealer to bid for the same thing? Do we need auction stealer stealer in order to steal the auction stealer?
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    Your Thoughts

  8. A

    Car Insurance Claims

    Got in one. Wished i'd head down into Moseley now.
  9. A

    Try This one

    Stop playing have to organise !!! Smurf
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    Shave that horse!!! Yes sir! Right away sir!

    Wasn't there a song about this...Oh yea "Shave a horse ride a cowboy"
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    To the people that think their martial arts moves work on the dance floor

    Dunno... her moves are pretty cool... YouTube - Becca Ross
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    Nothing wrong with holding the opinion that someone elses opinion is toss. It's an open forum FS. Get used to the idea not everybody is going to agree with you and stop taking the bait. There's nothing wrong with owning a salad bar. Good money in salad there is. People like salad, people want...
  13. A

    Convert Avi to DvD, Not Burn?

    Use this Format Factory(FREE)
  14. A

    LimeWire v.s FrostWire......?

    Frostwire..If you use limewire,you must have a good antivirus