Recent content by AdrienneH

  1. A

    How much money would it take for you to sell out?

    You assume the majority of st is hetrosexual... little mistake there...
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    New dog

    pudge, fudge
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    More Police Brutality?

    If events transpired as described that was totally unacceptable. The problem with firearms is that they are such a final answer. The old adgae "when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" applies here. It seems unusual to shoot as well as taser though - I would...
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    Warning of Alien Attack

    They are probably big fans of the Bronte sisters and where on their way to visit Haworth EDIT: and Richard of York was the rightful king of England (and not a hunchback) you dam Lancastrian! I pray that one day you will come out of the dark wolds of backward Lancashire and come into the...
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    psp video 9 is for getting dvds onto the psp. i use that too. i heard that psp blender or all4psp could downgrade 2.7/2.71 psps as well. is this true?
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    Keep minimum wage job or get kick ass seasonal snowboard job?

    It looks like you're gonna go snowboarding either way so.. why did you ask this question?
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    California gun buy-back pics

    Dat's a lotta gunz.
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    scavenger hunt or LOTHT first?

    scavenger hunt first definately
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    Soldier murdered in London

    No race or religion has a monopoly on ignorance or violence. All gets back to human nature. Fear of the unknown other and territorialism. Weren't the British terrorizing people around the globe for centuries? Do they still profit from that legacy today? I'm sure if you ask many former...
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    Margaret Thatcher has died

    Oh what a hoot. You deliberately provoked anger about a subject that you don't care about.
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    Margaret Thatcher has died

    The humour was not clear, especially in light of how you launched the thread - that's why we have smilies And it shows no doubt in my position at all since it was entirely tangental to my position and in no way impacts it either for or agin And as for taxes, I paid them as a student as a...
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    Loch Ness

    Nope it was swept by 20 boats with a full radar net that overlapped and covered the whole Loch
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    MAP is growing

    Maybe we should change this thread to "my first time"
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    [No message]
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    Bill Clinton was at my school today!

    It goes both ways. A large portion of Hilary's supporters are only backing her because she is a woman.